Advanced eWiSACWIS Checklists, Meetings, Recruitment & More
Little Known Features Checklists Meetings Foster Parent Recruitment Mailing Lists Keyboard Shortcuts
Checklists Maintain > Checklist Template Checklists are county specific Checklists are located throughout the application under Options drop down
Maintain Checklist
Case Closing Checklist
Meetings Many different types of meetings Created via Create > Case Work Under several different areas Administration Adoption Education Ongoing Services Placement / Services Planning Safety Services
Case Transfer Staffing Currently the Safety Intervention Standards require a transition meeting between the initial assessment worker and the CPS Ongoing worker This could be documented under Create > Case Work > Ongoing Services > Case Transfer Staffing
Case Transfer Staffing
Meeting Notice Letter
Foster Parent Recruitment Maintain > Recruitment Event Allows documentation of events where the County is recruiting foster parents When the names and addresses of interested parties are entered, this can be exported to excel, printed as mailing labels, or just printed as a list Can track amount of hours and amount of money spent recruiting
Recruitment Event - Entry
Print Labels for event Print as a list
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + F to open a ‘Find’ box. Useful for searching a case ID or specific text on any web page (eWiSACWIS desktop or Knowledge Web)
Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + Z = ‘Undo’ which is useful if you just accidentally deleted text or would like to undo some other recent text edit in a narrative box or on a template Ctrl + X = ‘Cut’ which will cut the selected text and save it to your clipboard Ctrl + C = ‘Copy’ which will copy the selected text and save it to your clipboard Ctrl + V = ‘Paste’ which will paste the cut or copied text from your clipboard to the field where your cursor is
Keyboard Shortcuts In eWiSACWIS almost every button and menu item has an underlined letter. Pressing the ‘Alt’ key and then the underlined letter will do the same action as clicking on it with the mouse. Tab will move the cursor from field to field on a page in eWiSACWIS The spacebar will check a checkbox when the cursor is on that checkbox.