Developing a Vendor Base for Fusion Commercialization Stan Milora, Director Fusion Energy Division Virtual Laboratory of Technology Martin Peng Fusion.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing a Vendor Base for Fusion Commercialization Stan Milora, Director Fusion Energy Division Virtual Laboratory of Technology Martin Peng Fusion Energy Division

Relationship of Initiatives to Gaps (2007 FESAC Greenwald Panel) Fusion Nuclear S&T Plasma Control S&T

Ed Synakowski, Associate Director Office of Fusion Energy Sciences February 28, 2012

US Industry already being engaged to design and build major ITER components (ORNL, PPPL, SRNL) Cooling, Diagnostics, Plasma Heating, Fueling and Exhaust Systems (Tritium), Electrical Network, S/C Magnets

5Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Juergen Rapp, Presentation to DOE, December 8 th 2011

Challenge: particle fluxes and fluence JET ITER Fusion Reactor 50 x higher ion fluxes 5000 x higher ion fluence 10 6 x higher neutron fluence (~1dpa) up to 5 x higher ion fluence 100 x higher neutron fluence (~150 dpa)

Plasma facing components encounter 20% of the fusion energy release as high surface heat and ion fluxes. High average and transient heat fluxes Surface ablation and melting. Erosion and re-deposition, dust formation, and plasma contamination Tritium implantation and retention strongly coupled to neutron damage Plasma facing components in JET and NSTX: first wall (A), rf antenna (B), and divertor (C) A B C B B

Tritium breeding and power extraction components volumetrically absorb 80 % of the fusion energy release via nuclear materials interactions. ITER dual cooled lead lithium (DCLL) tritium breeding test blanket concept PbLi out He out He in PbLi in Be first wall Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel(RAFM) structure Depth in DCLL TBM(cm)Nuclear/materials interaction in RAFM Power Density(W/cm 3 ) High temperature creep, thermo mechanical and magnetic stresses, corrosion Thermo fluid flow and conducting fluid flow across magnetic fields Tritium production, release, extraction and control Hardening, loss of ductility and fracture toughness, thermal conductivity degradation Void swelling, helium embrittlement Activation

New ceramic materials and radiation-resistant steels with superior high-temperature strength for use in prototype fusion reactors have been developed. Type S Nicalon silicon carbide composite demonstrates stability of strength to 70 dpa 800 degrees C 14-YWT oxide dispersion strengthened steel demonstrates stability of dispersion to 100 dpa 600 degrees C 100 nm HFIR Atomic Probe Microscope

Strategy Leadership areas Infrastructure Plasma Materials Test Stand (PMTS) to simulate FNSF plasma−surface conditions Establish scientific basis for materials behavior in a fusion environment, tritium breeding, and reliable and efficient power extraction Outcome: Facilitate transition from fusion physics to fusion engineering and from non-nuclear to full nuclear systems High-performance, radiation-resistant ODS steels Fission and spallation neutron sources Plasma control technologies Computational fusion research Materials science and engineering Nuclear science and technology National and international collaborations Develop an understanding of mission need for a next- generation Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) that incorporates materials needs for fusion and advanced fission Develop and execute aggressive programs to resolve scientific and technical issues for materials and the plasma–surface interface Lead technical and programmatic planning for FNSF Fusion S&T in the ITER era Vision PMTS

Example: Fusion Nuclear Sciences Facility Compact volume neutron source Develop experimental database for all fusion reactor internals and, in parallel with ITER, provide basis for DEMO Fusion nuclear S&T in the ITER era Nuclear effects Plasma effects HFIR: Fission neutron spectrum SNS: Spallation neutron spectrum OLCF: Theory and multiscale modeling NSTX: Boundary physics research High-intensity plasma materials test station International collaboration Engaging major Office of Science Facilities and Programs, complemented by critical new fusion facilities and International Collaboration PMTS

Strong expertise in RF-technology, science and RF-plasma sources World class material science Experience with large scale nuclear facilities (HFIR) Excellence in DOE Science research users’ facilities (SNS) World leading computational center (Jaguar, Kraken) U.S. ITER Project Strong national and international collaborations (ASIPP and Juelich) ORNL: capable, experienced, ready to support fusion commercialization