RCPG Project Update 2013 Whole Community Conference November 22, 2013
HRRCPT: Who’s Involved The HRRCPT is comprised of 24 Voting Localities: 22 Cities and Counties in Virginia 2 Counties in Northeast North Carolina In addition – there are multiple State, quasi- government and private sector organizations represented. 2
HRRCPT Planning Scenarios The purpose of the plan is to develop a regional approach to handling catastrophic events brought about by: Category 3 hurricane Multiple Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) Aerosolized Anthrax 3
The Challenge Hampton Roads is a Coastal Region Home to 1.8+ million people Constrained geographically by water, bridges and tunnels. Congested Transportation System Two primary evacuation routes to points north and west. Primary route to North Carolina’s Outer Banks 4
The Questions WHO needs to evacuate and how many? WHERE will evacuees go? WHAT MODES of transportation are available? WHAT ROUTES will evacuees take/does contra flow make sense? HOW LONG will it take to move the evacuees/what if there’s not enough time? HOW MANY Shelters will we need? HOW MUCH resources and supplies will be needed to support the anticipated population? WHAT ABOUT the Special and Functional Needs Population? 5
The Solutions Regional Catastrophic Planning Grant Program funds have been used to develop planning products that will help to Identify the Demand placed upon Transportation/Evacuation Systems, Shelter Systems and Logistical Supply needs. Assess the total Supply Available and Determine the Gaps and Solutions that need to be addressed on a Regional basis. What are some of those products? 6
Transportation and Evacuation Planning Products Transportation Evacuation Study - Conducted by Dewberry and Atkins Looked at three different evacuation time frames: 42/36 and 24 hour notice. Metrics quantified possible demands that vehicles and population will have on transportation networks and shelter resources in the region. Severe Storm Event Behavioral Study, Vulnerability Mapping, & System Dynamic Modeling Survey sampled 7,068 Households and 20,000+ residents Increased our understanding of the variables and factors that cause people to do what they do in an emergency. 7
Shelter and Supplies Planning Products Shelter Impact Assessment Study Comprehensive sheltering study that will provide evaluation criteria for evaluating current and potential shelter facilities. Goal is to increase the number of available shelters and Determine staffing and resource requirements to operate them. 8
Shelter and Supplies Planning Products Refuge of Last Resort (ROLR) Program Provides a regional definition of a ROLR Identifies how many evacuees per lane mile will be stranded. minimum staffing, training and resource requirements – transportation, staff and supplies Provides model MOU’s and suggested strategies for securing the use of these facilities when needed. 9
Shelter and Supplies Planning Products Regional Logistics and Distribution Management Strategy Identifies mission critical functions that need to be performed by the state and localities to effectively execute logistics missions and Recommends actions that can be taken at the sub- regional and state level to build capacity to acquire, stage, and manage commodities and other resources following a major disaster Includes Annexes that provides job aids, job descriptions and operational checklists. Source: Dewberry Project Management Plan10
Shelter and Supplies Planning Products Shelter and Logistics Planning Tool (SLPT) Microsoft Excel Application Consolidates/Integrates information to support shelter and logistics planning. Shelter and POD requirements and capacities Inventory and supply needs Staffing 11
Shelter and Logistics Planning Tool (SLPT) 12
Regional Intermediate and Long-Term Disaster Housing Strategy Planning Document Provides: A comprehensive reference for executing interim and long term housing recovery A Basic roadmap for the housing recovery process. Detailed templates that can be used by local jurisdictions, both pre- and post-event; Description of the relevant authorities and roles and responsibilities for housing recovery planning and recovery at all levels of government, A common understanding of the housing recovery phases that can be used as a basis for the development of integrated State, Regional and local housing recovery plans. Source: Dewberry Project Management Plan13
Where are We Now? Just Beginning the Training and Exercising Phase (FY10 and FY11) Will provide for training and testing/exercising and revising the plan. Training will include Agency and First Responder Training Will provide for a Large Scale Exercise for One Component of the Plan and Functional or Table Top for the other two components. After Action Reports will be used to develop Corrective Action Plans that will be incorporated in all planning documents. Source: Dewberry Project Management Plan14
Where Are We Now? Tremendous Commitment from Very Talented and Capable Team members are making a difference! All of our Planning Documents will be made available on the FEMA VJPO website. 15
For More Information: Contact: C. Creig Moore, Chairman Or Steve Best, Program Director 16
Thank You!