ISE-NIFA Project Launch Workshop September 8, 2010
UA’s AgNIC “Managing Rangelands” Site ( ): customized resources & evaluated content ◦ Issue: political vs. ecosystem approach ◦ Issue: sustainability (human and financial resources to maintain & expand) Led to Western Rangelands Partnership; 19 LGUs (2001+)
The Western Rangelands Partnership!
Good Idea: Database-driven Poor Implementation: ◦ Attempted browse hierarchy ◦ Complications with metadata process ◦ Difficulties with content development group engagement ◦ Distracted from state site development Loss of two key IT positions at the UA ◦ Incomplete system Changes in UA R.W. staffing ( )
New eXtension Initiative ◦ “Objective. Research-based. Credible. Information and tools you can use every day to improve your life. This is the most reliable information you'll find on the Internet brought to you by the nation's largest and oldest network of universities” AgNIC Strategic Planning ◦ New Goals and Objectives Improve Content and Services/Increase Funding Include a wide range of e-content
Rangelands West: Archival Repository for SRM Journals
Applied for Strategic Development Funds from UA Libraries ◦ Approved to conduct needs assessments and develop business plan ◦ Purpose: to guide development of a technical requirements for total redesign ◦ focus: groundwork for future UA Eller Business College graduate students prepared “Business Plan” UA R.W. Team organized needs assessments (online & focus groups
◦ Update content frequently ◦ Fast and relevant searches ◦ Libraries of documents & images ◦ Location-specific information ◦ Tools to foster interaction/networking ◦ Searchable directory of experts ◦ Revenue generation Grants Partner contributions Sponsorships
Open source, self managed content management systems (Drupal) Social networking to directly engage ranchers and other stakeholders Interest of Range Scientists at 2009 SRM meeting ◦ Back files of South African and Australian range journals More funding options with global partners ◦ Possibility of partnering with FAO & others ◦ AgriDrupal community of practice ◦ USDA ISE grant application; submitted & approved 2010
University of Arizona University of California, Davis University of Idaho Rangelands Australia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Other Signatories eXtension GSSA
Redesign Rangelands West portal to host repository of global rangelands materials Establish partnerships with key organizations/associations around the world Upload and create applications to provide greater accessibility to content Develop two multi-media learning modules Create synthesis documents on aspects of international rangeland management outreach practices for Extension Create customized search interface and implement Web 2.0 networking applications
Lucene/Solr search indexing engine ◦ Prototype developed ◦ May help with data mining later on Harvesting questions ◦ Multiple data sets in different formats Metadata issues ◦ Controlled vocabulary – which one? ◦ Keywords/tags ◦ Multiple curators; multiple formats ◦ Record IDs State site support Interoperability, Sustainability, Ease-of-use
Get Involved! suggest resources contribute to discussions Tools & Resources Teaching Clearinghouse eXtension Rangelands Outreach Practice Organizations & Agencies News Lorem ipsum Calendar of Events Event Featured Sites (rotating images) Mock up: Global Rangelands Online Knowledge System Search Global Rangelands Advanced Search Sign up for updates Browse topics Browse collections Browse media About Collaborators Contact us (logos for external collaborators) Hot topics climate change food security monitoring Rangelands West (links to partner sites) Search Rangelands of the World (links to resources) Video Clip
Participate as member of interdisciplinary and multi-institutional / multi-national Global Rangelands project team ◦ planning, decision-making re: portal design, search interface, metadata, etc. ◦ facilitate identification and addition of repository content including South African & Australian journals Work with University Libraries stakeholders, including RSS CMCG and DLIST staff, to facilitate Libraries awareness, understanding, support and participation/contributions to the Global Rangelands project. ◦ Migration of UAiR Society for Range Management (SRM) journal archives to ?? ◦ Implementation of DOIs for articles ◦ Adding updated SRM content to UAiR archives
““Carla attended a presentation on the launching of Global Rangelands. This project has now taken on world-wide status and the library will need to move ahead in providing more support, and figure out the who/where/how to accomplish this great venture.”