HIPS Procedures for Estate Agents / Suppliers. Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 2 Content 1.Logging in to Our Home Information.


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Presentation transcript:

HIPS Procedures for Estate Agents / Suppliers

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 2 Content 1.Logging in to Our Home Information Pack website 2.Ordering a new HIP 3.Viewing the progress of a HIP 4.Viewing a compiled HIP 5. ing a compiled HIP to a customer or Solicitor 6.Archived HIPS 7.Ordering an EPC only 8.Generating the EPC graph 9. Notifications 10.Changing your password 11.Summary of Reports The following slides explain how to use the HIPSworld system from an Estate Agent / Supplier’s point of view. It covers:

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 3 How to log in To access HIPSworld go to You will have been set up so that HIPSworld recognises your login Enter your address and password on the first screen:

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 4 Ordering a New HIP Click on the Agent / Supplier menu and select New HIP

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 5 P Details Screen HIP Details Screen Click Next to move the screen on If relevant, select the branch instructing the HIP Choose the HIP Type (most commonly standard) Type in a reference for the HIP (normally the valuer’s initials) and choose the payment option.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 6 Entering a Property Address Enter the Postcode and House number for the property. Click Find The address validation tool will return a complete result. If not found, please type in the full address. Click Next

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 7 Entering a Property Address cont. If a HIP has been already been ordered for this property – the WARNING message below is seen.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 8 Entering Sellers Details Key in the sellers name, and phone details. It is important that all vendor’s details are added. Click Next If the postal address is the same as the property being sold, click Same As Property to populate the fields. Otherwise type in the address.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 9 Entering Property Details Complete the Property Details screen with all available information. Click Next Enter here if your vendor requires a printed copy of the HIP

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 10 Entering Supplier Notes Supplier notes should be used to pass on any relevant information to the Pack Company when ordering a HIP. Notes may include preferred dates and times for EPC inspection, the location of keys, title information, information on the seller if not the registered owner (e.g. if it is a probate case). Click Next

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 11 Confirmation of HIP Check the box to Agree Terms and check the box to start the HIP creation You will need to check 3 boxes to confirm the order. Tick to confirm the Address. Click Finish

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 12 Order Confirmation To print out the details of the HIP that has been ordered select the toggle YES on the Confirmation Page, then click on Print HIP The print out will show the following information

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 13 Viewing the HIP Progress On the Agent Supplier menu select Transaction Processing. The screen below shows all HIPs that are in progress. You can search for a particular HIP using the Find filter box (see next slide for criteria) Alternatively, the filters can be changed to narrow searches to HIPS with the same criteria. E.g. all HIPs instructed by a particular Supplier.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 14 Searching Criteria The HIPSworld upgrade in August 2008 has some changes to the search criteria: Searching is still possible on the HIP ID, postcode, part of the address or vendor’s surname (now with a minimum of 2 characters). The big change is that if you are searching with part of the information, you need to follow the part search with an asterix * For example vendor Smith type in Smi* For a specific HIP search, type in hip before the hip id, e.g. hip 12345

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 15 HIPSworld uses a traffic light system to identify the progress of the HIP at a glance. Red Red Awaiting acknowledgement Yellow YellowAcknowledged and processing (in progress) Green GreenAll component parts are complete Viewing the HIP Progress To see what is happening with the HIP click View on the left hand side

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 16 HIPS in Progress cont. By clicking view, you will see all available information for the HIP. The page will default to the Included Documents tab, however there are 3 other relevant tabs which can be viewed.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 17 HIPs in progress (Included Documents tab) This screen shows placeholders for the component parts (documents) that your Pack Company will need to include in the HIP. red/pink The placeholders are red/pink in colour and they change to white when a document has been uploaded into the placeholder. When all placeholders are white (filled), HIPSworld recognises that the HIP is now complete and ready to put together (compile).

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 18 Contacts & Property tab The Contacts and Property tab shows all relevant information on the vendor, the property and the three instructed component providers (EPC, Searches and Legal).

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 19 Provider Notes tab The Provider Notes Tab allows the supplying Estate Agent to see any progress notes that have been left by the Pack Company or Component Providers.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 20 Completed / Compiled HIPS Once the three components (EPC, Search and Legals) have been completed the HIP is ready to compile. The shows Compiled HIPS. The traffic lights in the screen shot below are BLUE to signify that the HIP has been compiled. To access the HIP, click view in the normal way

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 21 Viewing the Compiled HIP Click on the Compiled HIPS tab. You are now able to download the HIP from here in a Pdf format. Your Pack Company will have enabled a Public Link. This is a URL link (a string of numbers and letters) which allows third parties to access the HIP via the web. If this link is not visible call your Pack Company. Click on Link to place the URL into an for sending. This link can also be copied into your sales memorandum for use by the lawyers.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 22 Printed Copies Our Home Information Pack system links directly with Ravensworth Printers so if your client wishes to have a printed HIP this can be easily ordered. We can either set you up so that you have a printed copy each time or on an individual basis.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 23 Archived HIPS completed compiled You Pack Company has the ability to archive hips that have completed (all placeholders filled) or have been compiled. These HIPS would no longer be found through the normal searches. They can still be accessed by choosing HIP status Archived as shown above. grey On an Archived HIP, the traffic lights are shown as grey

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 24 Ordering an EPC only You may need to order an EPC for rental properties or for properties currently on the market (from October 2008, all properties that were initially marketed before the HIP deadline are required to have an EPC). From the Agent / Supplier menu, select New Hip in the normal way and select Hip Type ‘EPC only’

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 25 Ordering an EPC only Notice the menu on the left hand side. Complete with details as normal

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 26 Ordering an EPC only Tick to Finish to confirm in the normal way

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 27 Viewing the EPC only This screen shows the EPC only status when the order has been submitted by the Pack Company to the EPC surveyor.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 28 The EPC placeholder Here is a view of the placeholder for the EPC

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 29 EPC Only - completed matter Here is the view of the EPC only completed matter Note that completed EPC jobs are classified under Hip Compiled status

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 30 EPC Graph Generator Right-click to copy the graph for pasting into an , or for the Estate Agents to paste into their property particulars. The graph can be resized in the normal way. Estate Agents are required to have the EPC graph on their property particulars. From the Home menu select Create EPC Graph Enter the figures (taken from the EPC) into the boxes and click Generate to produce the graph.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 31 Notifications Notifications can be set up to alert Estate Agents / Suppliers of the progress of the HIP. The Agent / Supplier can choose which notifications they receive, by updating the Notifications settings. From the Agent / Supplier menu choose Notifications.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 32 Notifications cont. Check the box next to the notifications you wish to receive and type in an address. The Event Description explains what will trigger the notification to be sent. Multiple addresses can be entered. Please use a semi-colon (;) - but no space between addresses, e.g.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 33 Change your Password Click on Update to confirm the changes From the main toolbar menu, hover over your user name and select Change Password Normally your user id will have been set as your address. We would recommend that you change your own password for security reasons.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 34 HIPSworld Reports Reports are available to Estate Agents to assist in managing their instructed HIPs. From the Agent / Supplier menu choose Reports. Select the required report and specify parameters. Click View Report.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 35 I.T. Set up – Agent Supplier HIPSworld is an internet website and as such it is important that you are configured correctly with Internet Explorer. What to do is explained in the HIPS Download Documents, accessed from the home page in HIPSworld.

Updated August 2008HIPSworld guide - Estate Agent / Supplier 36 Your Home Information Pack Company will be able to answer any further questions you may have. End For technical queries, HIPSworld has a support help desk tel: