SOCIAL INNOVATION DRIVER Greater Manchester ESIF plan Approach by Social Enterprise support providers Alex Whinnom, Chief Executive. GMCVO 24 th February 2015
GMCVO Position… VCSE provision is indispensable to successful delivery – and this is understood and desired BUT all contracts will require cross-sector delivery “Social enterprise” / “enterprise” / SME thinking needed Our ambition is to draw a large proportion of the funding into the local VCSE and demonstrate capability of VCSE to do what others never have Primary alliance with GM institutions – of all sectors Concerns re capacity of VCSE providers and supporters Interests must be declared. As a bidder GMCVO will declare its interest, issue open invitations and form closed alliances
GMCVO declaration of interest GMCVO declares an interest in:- wishing to act as accountable body for Building Better Opportunities main fund, lead for the Social Innovation Driver, as a partner in other GM consortium bids and as a delivery organisation.
GMCVO role GMCVO is acting today as neutral advocate and broker for SE support providers wishing to bid to deliver the SID All information given / gathered today will be in the public domain and accessible to any bidders – we will also ensure it shapes the call as far as possible We will continue to disseminate any relevant information we receive in our neutral role through the ESIF web page and mailing list GMCVO intends to bid to deliver the SID, in partnership with other organisations. Following this meeting we will issue an invitation to partner with us in various ways. We will then hold further discussions / meetings with those organisations committed to partnership with us – information and ideas shared there will be commercial in confidence.
SID?????? Analysis of existing sector probably flawed, however… Emerging specification is “Kitchen Sink” model – s pecifying inputs, outputs, methodology AND outcomes…… –All types of SEs –High numbers of outputs of different kinds –Expensive inputs –Mention of different solutions by area –Mention of “clusters” with larger SEs supporting smaller –Mention of drawing in private sector volunteers to “turn organisations round” –Wants private sector investment –Has promised commissioners we will create SEs they can buy from 4 year timescale Acknowledge need to fund support and co-ordination of support Match at 50% for both ESF and ERDF
What’s in the kitchen sink? Expensive inputs which may not be appropriate High numbers of outputs of different kinds Very ambitious outcomes - to “scale the impact of SE in GM” and to lead to “an inclusive SE support partnership that will be financially self sustaining” All types of SEs Mention of different solutions by area Mention of delivery through “clusters” Mention of mentoring and peer support Mention of drawing in private sector volunteers to “turn organisations round” Wants private sector investment Has promised commissioners we will create SEs they can buy from etc
The Opportunity Shape this now – ideally before formal call issued Focus Be realistic
Rough suggestion This is meant to complement mainstream SME “start- up / pre start-up” call which has SE specifically built into it Therefore focus on growth / replication to achieve outputs similar to mainstream “growth” call Plus - financial instrument is assumed creating evergreen fund Plus – sustainable partnership is assumed enabling “no wrong door”
Questions What intervention(s) do you think will be of most benefit in driving social innovation through social enterprise? Which SE sectors have potential to grow? What support would they need to enable this? How intensive? Over what timescale?
Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation St Thomas Centre Ardwick Green North Manchester M12 6FZ T F E Registered Charity No Company Ltd. by Guarantee No