AXA Graduate Programme Mallika Natarajan
2 Why AXA? The World’s Largest Insurance Brand Present in 57 countries 102 million clients worldwide 160,000 Employees AXA UK comprises of 4 operating companies: - AXA Wealth - AXA PPP Healthcare - AXA Insurance - AXA Ireland Industry Recognised -15 th in Sunday Times Best Big Companies to Work For (2011) -29th in Brand Finance’s Global 500 (2010) - 9th Largest Company in the World by revenue - Twice size of BMW - Three times bigger than Microsoft - Over 5 times the size of Apple - And six times bigger than Coca-Cola
3 Who am I? International student from India Studied BSc Hons MORSE at the University of Warwick Loved the idea of challenging myself in a career where I could be highly influential in the high level strategic decisions made my large companies and governments
4 Rotation every 18 months with exposure to Pricing, Reserving and Capital – the key fields in General Insurance Potential of an international placement for high performing student actuaries The chance to work on market leading processes in all 3 fields What is AXA’s Global Actuarial Graduate Program all about? To top it off excellent study package
5 My highlights Solving business problems using financial and statistical techniques: Working on the pricing of products at an occupation level Reserving for long tail classes of business with a latency of nearly 40 years! Analysing trends within our data and approaching any emerging risks before they become a problem Working on the capital requirement required by solvency 2 Need an eye for detail Be ahead of the game- understand the market trends Understand the business you work for Most importantly: Make sure you’re having fun where you are!
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