Company Brand Image Development Clive Woodger SCG London “a great place to work”
International Strategic branding and design consultancy founded in 1991 13 years … 60+ Russian clients We work in the retail, financial, real estate sectors by creating We are:
New Values... Brand Culture...ethos, beliefs, practices, behaviour Creating Value... Brand Equity...optimum performance Company Brand Image Development
Standard generics “Attract and retain the best people” “Our people make the difference”... New Values - Employer Branding People I want us to build our team so it can create more value than any other. I believe that Tesco will succeed if it gives its staff the opportunity to learn new skills so that they can do better things for customers wherever we are. Tesco has developed fantastic assets around the world, at home and overseas, and we’ve now got strong market positions worldwide, but there’s a lot more to come. TESCO Business Strategy, 2011 Our success depends on people, the people who work with us and the people who shop with us, and our Values let our people know what kind of business we are, and our customers what to expect from us, and by living the Values, we create a great place to work and one where great service is delivered. “ ”
‘ Our people make the difference’ People - an increasingly important differentiation factor Consumers increasingly aware of the wider context - how companies treat their people
The long-term, strategic management of talent and reputation Creating the image of your organisation as a great place to work in the minds of Employees External target and passive candidates, customers, shareholders, agencies, influencers, media… Employer branding definition
Your culture is the water your employees thrive (or die) in. Just like fish in an aquarium, culture surrounds employees; they live in it, breathe it and when toxic – can expire in it. New Values - Brand Culture
What kind of culture do we have? How consistent is it across geographical and divisional boundaries? What behaviours are most characteristic of our organisation? … are the most rewarded? … are the moments of truth when the organisation is at its best (and worst?) How consistent are the messages we are communicating internally and externally about our organisation as a place to work? What are the most effective channels of employee communication, both top-down and bottom-up? Which employee positions are most critical to our success and what are we currently doing/need to do to attract, engage, and retain them? What’s going on..? – “situational analysis”
Creating Added Value … Achieving an effective management organisation Marketing Department collaboration? Teamwork = Synergy operations StoreWorkplacesServiceInternet real estate buyers IT communications human resources management procurement sales Brand experience – for customers and employees Departmental activities / functions marketing logistics finance
Team synergy = efficiency = optimum performance Removing internal barriers Organisation Challenge – culture change people power procedures politics “silo mentality” Employer Brand Equity
Major UK food service business, supplying frozen speciality breads, pastries, deserts and other foods to restaurants, cafes, hotels and other catering establishments Due to series of acquisitions, there was a need to develop a cohesive, motivated and informed culture within the IAWS Group - which comprised a number of different food brands and operations “Creating a passion for quality” The Challenge - Creating a United Culture
Strategy: Creating a passion for quality
Strong external brand - internal brand challenge
New Values... Brand Culture...ethos, beliefs, practices, behaviour Creating Value... Brand Equity...optimum performance Company Brand Image Development
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