Sea-Search Regional Meeting May 15-18, 2003, Istanbul
Participants: 23 from 16 countries Peter DavisMARISNETHERLANDS Dick SchaapMARISNETHERLANDS Catherine Maillard IFREMERFRANCE Efstathios BalopoulosIO/NCMRGREECE Alessandra GiorgettiOGSITALY Isaac Gertman IOLRISRAEL Yan TsehtikIOLRISRAEL Vlado DadicIOFCROATIA Atanas PalazovIO-BASBULGARIA Snejana MonchevaIO-BASBULGARIA Soukaina ZizahINRHMOROCCO Aldo DragoIOI-MOCMALTA Giuseppe ManzellaENEAITALY Demetrio De ArmasIEOSPAIN Kakhaber BilashviliDIVAGEORGIA Zurab Savaneli DIVAGEORGIA Taco De BruinNL-NODCNETHERLANDS Siegrid JansMUMM-BMDCBELGIUM Tamara ShiganovaSIO-MoscowRUSSIA Şükrü BeşiktepeIMS-METUTURKEY Mustafa OzyalvaçTN-DNHOTURKEY Alexey KhaliulinMHIUKRAINE Evgeny GodinMHIUKRAINE Missing/excused: Cyprus, Romania
AGENDA 1) New partners presentations 2) Review of the list of tasks defined in the kick off § - Benchmarks of ROSCOP, EDMED, EDMERP § - websites § - poster & promotion 3) Discussion & List of actions - annual report and cost statements
NEW PARTICIPANTS Represent new centralised multidisciplinary data management activities in the main marine institute of their countries Data are collected from research vessels and quasi- permanent coastal stations In addition to physical and chemical oceanography, biology and geology-geophysics are frequently managed; access to remote sensing data is provided over areas of interest Participate to several national and international projects
BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE ( IO-ODC) 2003 Hydrophysical data Hydrochemical data [water sample (CTD rosette bottles and Nansen bottles) analyses] Geophysical data Hydrodynamics and lithodynamics data Geological and geomorphologic data: Biological data established in June 27, 2002 (CESUM-BS Project initiative)
P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences Established in 1946, it is one of the largest research institute in Russia. It is multi-profiles institute studied sciences connected with problems of the World Ocean and seas. There are three branches: in Sant-Peterburg's branch (Sant- Peterburg), Atlantic branch (Kaliningrad) and Southern branch (Gelendzhik). Analyzes of interannual and climatic variability of the hydrophysical, hydrochemical and biological parameters, processes in ecosystems, and monitoring of complex investigations of the Black, Azov, Caspian Seas and Artic Seas to predict their state.
Black Sea Observation Point Hydrochemical Station Hydrochemical and Granulometric Observation Points Atmospheric Observation Point Radioactive (atmospheric) pollution point GEORGIA GEORGIA A large part of the data holding consists in repeated stations 5 are still maintained, present difficulties of maintenace for the others
TURKEY A National Oceanographic Data Management Committee (NODMC) of 10 main national marine institutes has been formed to establish National Oceanographic Information Centers (NOICs) and a NODC The NODC detains multidisciplinary data (60 variables) collected since 1954 in the Black Sea and East Mediterranean; it includes 13 permanent coastal stations A web interface to submit data request is provided:
The ISRAEL NODC was established in 2001 I provides on line data access (MEDACC) and services for projects such as interactive map included in the Web interface of the MedGLOSS information system
Lunch Break in Ortakoy restaurant
Šetaliste Ivana Meštrovića 63, Split; INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES (IOF) INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES (IOF) Damjana Jude 12, Dubrovnik URL: by Vlado Dadić
ITALY by Alessandra Giorgetti and Renzo Mosetti NOGS has been notified as National Oceanographic Data Centre for Italy within the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE) system of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) since June ational Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS is a public research institute, sponsored by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MURST), active in the major geophysical research fields of seismic prospecting, seismology, oceanography and environmental geophysics.
Physical Oceanography Unit IOI-Malta Operational Centre University of Maltahttp:// Cruises and coastal stations, including GLOSS Important involvement Med GOOS
National Institute of Fisheries Research MOROCCAN MARINE DATA MANAGEMENT INRH created on July29, 1996 Fisheries Resources assessment and Follow-up Marine and Coastal Ecosytem study Monitoring of the quality of the marine environment and its healthiness
Middle East University Dinner
Closure of the scientific meeting in front of the Bosphorus bridge
Team Building Event in front of the Blue Mosque
Bargain Coins in Grand Bazard
Spices & sweeties in Egyptian Bazard