The World in 1500 What are the big superpowers of the day and why should I care? China and Japan
Our World The big idea is for you to know how much the Europeans changed the world in the 1500s but first... You have to know what that world was like in order to understand that big change the Europeans wrought
Our World We will discuss the major trade, political forms, and society of: * Ottoman Empire * Mughal Empire * Safavid/Persian Empire * Chinese Empire * Songhai Empire * Aztec, Mayan, Incan Empire
The World in 1500 The Mighty Asian Empires of China and Japn and some not so mighty.... and we will talk about the largest drug dealer ever.....
This dynasty overthrew Mongol rule and controlled China for 300 years. They brought peace to China and a period of exploration.
The Ming Dynasty
The first emperor of the Ming Dynasty introduced harsher laws, restored Confucianism and the Civil Service Hung Wo
The four social classes under the strict system of Confucianism are Samurai Farmers Artisans Merchants
Important Principals of Confucianism 1. Every person should willingly accept their role in society and they should perform the duties of that role 2. The gov’t leaders should be virtuous which is correct behavior towards others. Instead of wealth, rulers should seek honesty and honor
Early Capitol of the Ming Dynasty
Modern Day Capitol of China? Beijing
The part of Beijing where the Emperor and his family lives? Forbidden City
Since the Ming emperors were considered the sons of Heaven, they were, by definition, superior to all other people on earth. They had no interest in the outside world and so this powerful nation, with probably the best technology, intelligence and natural resources, doomed itself to fall behind a rapidly expanding and energetic Europe.
The World in 1500 The China lure.... The Chinese didn’t need anything from Europe! But they had many items Europeans wanted.... Tea Gunpowder Porcelain
What are the main items Europeans want from China? Porcelain....duh! it is called china Tea - easily the world’s most popular drink
Two important port cities in China?
What is the problem as far as Europeans are concerned? China won’t sell!
Luckily, the Europeans will discover India - the home of the mighty_________ empire. in the 1700’s Britain will control India. The world’s largest private corporation will be created to manage and trade goods from India. The ____________________________ Mughal British East India Tea Company Now, what does this have to do with drug dealing?
The Great Appeal of China If only we could sell one _________ to each Chinese person our factories could be in business forever.
Entering China Through Trade It’s the early 1800s and William Delano went out in the world to make money. He went to China but the Chinese didn’t need anything and he didn’t have anything unusual to offer.
Trade problems Problem is the Chinese gov’t won’t allow opium to be traded. Really, that isn’t a problem because the British want to introduce opium trade too...because, goodness knows, China won’t sell any tea from the East India Tea Company (the British mighty-big corportation)
Trade Wars British owned East India Tea Company became the biggest drug dealer in the world....and the Chinese people became the victims core9 /phalsall/images/opium.gif The Opium Wars of 1839 Not only was the war the most humiliating defeat the Chinese had ever suffered, but it was also an example of how weak and vulnerable the Chinese are once their doors are opened to foreigners. For this reason, and many others, nationalist societies in China have struggled (and continue) to keep the destructive foreigners out.
Trade Wars lead to Civil Wars in China With the Opium introduction, the British also introduced missionaries to spread the word of Christianity. Missionaries in China become a well-established pattern that continues today. The mix of drug and religion contributes to MAJOR CIVIL WAR 1850s Begins with the Taiping Rebellion - strange mixture of gender equality and sex. 25 Million Dead! US Civil War ,000 dead
What happened to William Delano? He made a fortune in the Opium trade. Married and moved his family to New York City. He had a daughter named Sarah. She married the neighbor’s son James Roosevelt. They had a son. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
But back to the 1500s.
300 hundred years later 1644 and out of the weakness of the Ming Dynasty a new dynastic family takes over. They will rule China until the early 1900s when China falls to eventual Communist rule Their name means “pure” They came from the north - Manchuria Qing Dynasty
Manchus who took over and became the Qing Dynasty
There was a rebellion in the late 1700s that greatly weakened the Qing Dynasty and destroyed most of southern China White Lotus Rebellion 1796
By the mid 1800s, the tea trade with the British East India Company became vicious....the European powers demanded more access to trade items in China...and China was weakened by strife
China won’t trade with Europeans. They will only allow trade in small restricted areas in coastal cities. They are called special enclaves. They are certain areas that allow very limited trade with foreigners. This is one reason why China does not modernize until later and also why they stay so unique in their culture
There was a rebellion in the mid 1800s that greatly weakened the Qing Dynasty and destroyed most of southern China Taiping Rebellion of
And in Japan?
Japanese Empire
Old capitol was Edo Today that little fishing village is Tokyo
Japan 1500 Who ruled? Ruled by an Emperor- but he had no power Who had the power?
Japan 1500 Who ruled? Sure there was an emperor but the real power was held by the top military man - the Shogun
Japan 1500 The biggest, baddest Shogun was a man named Tokugawa Ieyasu This military society/feudal society practiced a code of behavior much like the European code of chivalry. It was called____________ bushido = “the way of the warrior”
Japan 1500 Daimyo The feudal lords of Japan were called
Japan 1500 Shogun The military ruler of Japan was called
Japan 1500 Tokugawa Ieyasu He completed the unification of Japan, was named Shogun and moved the capitol to Edo
Japan 1500 Tokugawa This was a combination of feudalism and central govt in Japan
Japan 1500 Portuguese The first Europeans to reach Japan?
Japan 1500 The first Portuguese were Catholic missionaries and traders. Francis Xavier
Japan 1500 Japan, like China, limited the foreign influence in its country. Japan was virtually isolated from the outside world not much What did the Japanese Shogunates think of the Europeans who showed up in the late 1500s/1600s?
Japan 1500 An Act of Seclusion No Japanese could leave the country without the threat of execution
Japan 1500 Japan adopts Zen Buddhism