Overview of roll out of eAoPP for AHP programmes 2015/2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of roll out of eAoPP for AHP programmes 2015/2016

Aims of this session What is the eAoPP? Overview the eAoPP using the OT interface Time line of events How can I get involved in the project? How do I access it? How do I get an account? Is there any help available? Will students be familiar with the eAoPP? How do I give feedback on the eAoPP?

eAoPP stands for electronic Assessment of Professional Practice. Essentially it is an interactive web platform that allows the students, mentor and tutors to interact in relation to the assessment of practice. In addition it is an employability tool and provides features such as time sheet recording and areas for personal reflection on practice. It is hosted by an external company called Axia Interactive Media. What is the eAoPP?

Overview To access the system visit To look at a dummy account use the following details- Username aimstu15 Password letmein

Timeline of events September 2015 UoS Staff induction and account creation October 2015Account creation for 1 st year OT, PT and POD 1st year students undertake reflective work November 2015Pilot with students & staff Poster and letter to all practice areas receiving students December 2015Practice Educator induction sessions January nd year physio students arrive in practice with introductory letter & instructions for mentors February 2016First evaluation point (PT) March 2016Poster and letter to all practice areas receiving students April nd year OT students go into practice with introductory letter & instructions for mentors June 2016 Second evaluation point (OT) Poster and letter to all practice areas receiving students July 2016Year 1 OT, PT (UG and MSc) and POD go into practice August 2016End of stage one evaluation point

Practice Induction Sessions – Provisional Dates Portsmouth Tuesday 1 st December – 11.30am 3 - 4pm Monday 14 th December – 11.30am 3 - 4pm Southampton Thursday 3 rd December – 11.30am 3 - 4pm Wednesday 16 th December – 11.30am 3 - 4pm Basingstoke Wednesday 2 nd December – 11.30am Tuesday 15 th December pm Winchester Monday 7 th December pm Thursday 17 th December – 11.30am IOW Friday 4 th December – 12.00am 3 - 4pm Salisbury Monday 30 th November 2 - 3pm Wednesday 9 th December 10 – 12pm FarnhamTuesday 8th December 2 - 3pm MilfordMonday 14 December2 - 3pm

How can I get involved in the project? An AHP eAoPP user reference group How do I get an account? You can create your own account. Instruction as to how to do so are on the ALPS website. Is there any help available? Yes, the ‘contact us’ tab sends an to the help desk. You can also phone the help desk or us directly on If required we will come out and visit you in practice. Will students be familiar with the eAoPP? They will have received initial induction and orientation to the eAoPP. Do not assume that they will be completely familiar with the eAoPP. There will be additional help in the help section of the eAoPP How do I give feedback on the eAoPP? At the evaluation points we will seek feedback from practice educators. In addition all comments can also be ed to Any further questions? Questions