20 October, V 0.1 © 2007 SDL International. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. SDL LSP Partner Advisory Board Update November 2 nd 2010 Phil Ritchie Chief Technology Officer, VistaTEC
2 Scope: The SDL LSP Advisory Board will represent the voice of the LSP Partner community, across the different regions, presiding over technical and commercial aspects of the partnership. Its main objective will be to ensure LSP Partners receive ongoing value from the SDL LSP Partner program. 0 LSP Partner Advisory board: Scope
3 LSP Partner Advisory board: Structure
4 Objectives: 0 Submit and support the commercial and technical requests of the LSP Partner Community Influence Product Development direction Co-ordination of commercial activities Propose and manage co-operative activities budget Central control mechanism over referrals (Services &Technology). Direct input into SDL Management Provide regular communication and support the LSP Partner group Monitor LSP Partners for ethical behaviour LSP Partner Advisory board: Objectives
5 0 Meetings: In person meeting in 2010 to kick off LSP Partner Advisory Board. From then on attend one in-person meeting per year – scheduled alongside with major industry or LSP Partner event Attend quarterly webex/ conference call or in person meeting. Take/ collate LSP Partner feedback: Quarterly web survey on technical and commercial topics Quarterly surgery: Speak to your LSP Partner board member Term Initial term is 12 months, board to decide future term length Further refine advisory board into further groups as necessary: i.e. regional, technical sub-groups etc. Candidates: Candidates submit statements and brief biographies First SDL LSP Advisory Board appointed. Next SDL LSP Advisory Board will be elected LSP Partner Advisory board: Requirements
6 AGENDA: 9: :00 Welcome, and Objectives of LSP Partner Advisory Board Keith Laska, Senior Vice President SDL Language Technologies 10: :00Product Development Presentation: SDL Roadmap, Affinity Phase 1 demonstration, review of plans for Affinity Phase 2, and product development input from Partners Terry Lawlor, Vice President Product Management, Daniel Brockmann, Senior Product Manager, John Vaudin, Development Manager, Erik de Vrieze, Development Architect 12: :30 SDL Language Technologies Marketing Plan 2010 Massimo Ghislandi, Marketing Director, SDL Language Technologies 12: :30 Lunch 13: :00 LSP Partner Advisory Board session All board members set out the details of operations for the SDL LSP Advisory Board in 2010 Kick-off meeting update
7 0 Key Actions: Product Development and Beta program for Affinity Phase 1: PM: Alpha CRC and VistaTEC to beta test Affinity and also act as a filter for the rest of the LSPs in the group to elicit the features the group would like to see developed. LSP Partner Program Expectations and Objectives: SDL to consider new model of selling software, to include the cost of an enterprise solution to corporations via the LSP partner’s translation services charges to end customer. Decision to revisit this point when Affinity is released KL: Asked all LSP Partners and board members to promote the adoption of SDL Trados Studio PR: Proposed the creation of an online community for LSP Partners to include discussion groups/ forums by role specialization. This action is now complete: linkedin group for LSP PartnersThis action is now complete: linkedin group for LSP Partners PM: Create new groups for all members of the LSP Partner Advisory board to answer questions from their fellow LSP Partners. This action is now complete: KL: Put together proposal to create centralised terminology system for use by LSP Partners only. RL: The Advisory Board to take an action to further promote technology education and Certification amongst the LSP Partner group. PR: Create a central repository of information for all LSP Partners Partner portal with priority information and secure login area. AK to take the LSP Partner portal live in May. Action complete: Partner portal live.Action complete: Partner portal live. Issue a Press Release announcing the forming of the Advisory Board, the meeting, the partner portal going live and the LSP Partner community launch, technology wish lists. Action complete: PR published in July Outcomes from Advisory Board meeting
10 0 What are LSP expectations from LSP Partner Advisory Board? What would you like the LSP Partner Advisory Board to deal with? LSP Partner input
20 October, V 0.1 © 2007 SDL International. Company Confidential. Forward-looking information is based upon multiple assumptions and uncertainties and does not necessarily represent the company’s outlook. Thank you SDL INTERNATIONAL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL – INTERNAL USE ONLY Copyright © 2007 SDL International. All rights reserved.
12 Copyright © SDL plc. All rights reserved. All company names, brand names, trademarks, service marks, images and logos are the property of their respective owners. This presentation and its content are SDL confidential unless otherwise specified, and may not be copied, used or distributed except as authorised by SDL.