Presentation Prepared by: Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman Nalgene Outdoor Presentation Prepared by: Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman
Who Are We? Nalgene is historically a producer and distributor of various plastic containers used in labratories. Recently, Nalgene Outdoor has diversified and now has a large division dedicated to producting sporting good bottles.
Our Mission Our mission is to deliver the benefits of Nalgene by creating quality trust between consumers and the brand. As we continue to provide quality products to our customers, we will ever strive to conduct ourselves in a high class manner.
Our Vision Our vision at Nalgene is to continue to ensure our customer’s safety and satisfaction with our product, by creating quality long lasting relationships as we continue to reinvent and improve our products.
Our Values Innovation Commitment Honesty Customer Satisfaction Nalgene Outdoor has always conducted itself with the highest level of integrity, but as one of the largest plastic manufacturers in the world, we believe that integrity alone is not enough to create a business worth of being looked up to. We have established core values that Nalgene Outdoor as a whole must abide by in day to day affairs. These values are not just thoughts to keep in the back of employee’s minds, but they are the qualities that are required in every individual employed by Nalgene Outdoor. These qualities unite every individual at Nalgene Outdoor in order to create the best company possible. The qualities required to be possessed by every Nalgene Outdoor employee are: Innovation Commitment Honesty Customer Satisfaction
Polycarbonate Plastics and Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate plastic is a lightweight plastic that functions as high performance and possess clarity, toughness, high heat resistance, as well as electrical resistance. The main building block to create polycarbonate plastic, is the chemical Bisphenol-A. Bisphenol-A not only is used to create polycarbonates, but it uses is also shown for epoxy resins and other products.
Multiple uses of Bisphenol-A Water bottles Baby bottles Molded discs (CD's, DVD's) Tableware Epoxy resin can coatings and epoxy resin used for dental cosmetics
Allegations made against Polycarbonate plastic Allegations have been made against the polycarbonate plastics containing that the chemical used in the polycarbonate plastics, Bisphenol-A mimics the hormone estrogen.
Research study of Polycarbonate plastic and BPA Research has been conducted by numerous government agencies including: Food and Drug administration, European Commissions Scientific committee, United Kingdom Food standards agency and Japanese ministry of health labor and welfare concluding the use of Polycarbonate plastic for food and beverage contact as safe.
Nalgene Dosages are Safe The Environmental Protection agency has established a maximum reference dose of Bisphenol-A at 0.05 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day before Bisphenol-A would become unsafe to use. According to the FDA the dosage of BPA (0.0000125 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) is 400 times lower than what the Environmental Protection Agency establishes as unsafe.
Further Evidence Supporting Nalgene’s Safety In a study conducted by the FDA, several 5 gallon polycarbonate bottles were filled with water and sat for 39 weeks. BPA was found at an extremely low level ranging from 0.1 to 4.7 parts per billion. The FDA concluded that the average consumer would have to ingest more than 600 kilograms (1,300 pounds) of beverage and food that would come into contact with this chemical for an entire lifetime to exceed the BPA limit.
Evidence Supplied by European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food BPA is not considered a carcinogenic and doesn’t affect reproduction or development. A No-Observed-Adverse-Level for BPA confirmed this multiple lab animal testing. The estimated dietary intake of BPA from polycarbonate plastic based on multiples leaching studies is less than 0.000118 mg/kg of body weight per day. Potential human exposure to BPA is more than 400 times lower than the maximum BPA dose of 0.05 mg/kg of body weight per day.
Analysis of BPA Levels
Research Conclusions The research and conducted has shown the low levels of the presents of Bisphenol-A in polycarbonate plastic and the maximum intake of BPA that a consumer would have to ingest to see any type of side effects. These observations support the conclusion that that BPA did not produce estrogen like effects.
Nalgene’s Continued Concern for Safety To ensure the safety and awareness of polycarbonate plastics and Bisphenol-A, Nalgene has incorporated a program designed to provide consumers with information in regard of what chemicals are being used in the plastics as well as a certification of ISO-1099 safety inspection form at the consumer’s request. The information in this report should be provided to consumers and government agencies at their request.