ABIDE Anonymised BIg Data Environment, ABIDE
ABIDE is an Anonymized Data Science Sharing Platform for laboratories and big data users of all types. Uniquely, it has the potential to change the way that science is done forever by combining social networking, big data and cryptography and has huge potential for commercialization as well as public good.
ABIDE allows scientists to share and compare data worldwide to anticipate trends and find synergies in everything from –Cancer and Alzheimer’s to –Aerospace and Fortune 500 Data Mining.
In the next 12 months ABIDE aims to provide an open API to allow lab equipment manufacturers and laboratories (including pharmaceutical labs) to anonymously share data as they run experiments.
The first results will be that: (1) ADBIDE will spot trends for clients years ahead to get early indications as to whether similar trends are being seen in other laboratories worldwide - spotting synergies years earlier than through the normal cycle of experimentation and publication. (2) ADBIDE will spot trends for clients at the beginning of studies instead of at the end. E.g. checking that control experiments are giving the correct data.
Mock-up of ABIDE
Starting in Neuroscience Research and Cancer Research (where the founders have advanced research experience). Later for any science where multiple groups worldwide generate data.
TECHNOLOGY Advanced data interpretation algorithms quantify trends. These algorithms are open source to facilitate maximum take-up and libraries will be made available freely so that anyone can participate. Funding will allow us to build our first data consortium at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2014.
TECHNOLOGY The normalized data signatures from outputs will then be statistically compared with all appropriate data sets in the ABIDE data base – both parametrically and non- parametrically and inferentially to find matches. Initially the service will be free to create a massive citation index for the technique and database (which will make it mandatory for publishing scientists), but later fee paying subscribers can be put in contact with other labs (with various levels of anonymity and IP protection) to get matching trends to collaborate, partner or co-publish.
Stack Client side –API targeting Visual Studio/OSX/Linux Google Compute Engine –Portable to other Linux Clouds –Python (community supplied model engine) –PHP/HHVM (core) –Hadoop/Mysql
OUR STORY: Why we're building this business, and why we're the right people to do it. Having talked to hundreds of scientists over years we recognised the need for labs to compare what they were doing and what they were finding even prior to the 2-5 year publication cycle. Skills and contacts in place: Founder’s personal reputation at Oxford & Cambridge Universities and UK National Physical Laboratory lends credibility to project along with commercial and research skills in science, big data and cryptography. Company has 10 years+ plus reputation in field as market leader; customers include US Army, NIMH. Founder has been involved in similar international science standards setting with leading agency (NPL for CIE standards).
TRACTION ABIDE is to be a new product, but HVS Image (the founder’s wholly owned company which we propose will be the entity that launches ABIDE) already has a successful commercial neuroscience behaviour analysis program used by hundreds of laboratories and cited in over 1000 publications. We propose using our existing company to boost ABIDE’s initial growth.
Where the $150K will go The aim will be to spend $20K creating a partnering network primarily through an event at SfN 2014 where partners will collaborate to create an industry-wide API standard for anonymous data exchange in Neuroscience. $ to develop APIs and a commercial version of the key platform on cloud architecture $10K to protect IP $20K to port client APIs to various platforms
Customers Who are the customers? Scientific laboratories and big data using organizations. Approx 100,000 publishing scientists with grants and sharable data worldwide. How will we reach new customers?: Customers will be reached through creating a consortium of instrument manufacturers and through lead user citation creating a de facto standard maintained by citation.
Market Size Business model will be a subscription model with a fee starting free, then approx. $100/scientist/apparatus rising to $1000/scientist/apparatus by Target install base is 100 units in 2015 / 1000 in 2017 / 10,000 in 2019 / 100,000 in Revenue estimates 2015: ZERO (install base 100); 2017: $250K; 2021: $100M and upwards.