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Sabeer Bhatia Co-Founder of Hotmail Co-Founder of Hot Mail : Sabeer Bhatia. Born: December 30, 1968 (age 43) Chandigarh, Punjab (India). Alma mater : California Institute of Technology (B.S., 1988) Stanford University (M.S.) Occupation: Entrepreneur Known for co-founded: Hotmail
Early life and education : Sabeer Bhatia was born in Chandigarh on 30 December 1968. He grew up in Bangalore and had his early education at The Bishop's School in Pune, then St. Joseph's Boys' High School in Bangalore. In 1988 he went to US to get a bachelor's degree at the California Institute of Technology after a foreign transfer from BITS Pilani, Rajasthan. He earned a master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University.
After graduation, Sabeer briefly worked for Apple Computers as a hardware engineer and Firepower Systems Inc. While working there he was amazed at the fact that he could access any software on the internet via a web browser. He, along with his colleague Jack Smith, set up Hotmail on July 4, 1996. Into the 21st century, Hotmail remains the world's largest e-mail provider with over 369 million registered users. As President and CEO, he guided Hotmail's rapid rise to industry leadership and its eventual acquisition by Microsoft in 1998. Bhatia worked at Microsoft for a little over a year after the Hotmail acquisition and in April 1999, he left Microsoft to start another venture, Arzoo Inc, an e-commerce firm. Bhatia started a free messaging service called JaxtrSMS. He said that JaxtrSMS, would do "to SMS what Hotmail did for e-mail". Claiming it to be a disruptive technology, he says that the operators will lose revenue on the reduction in number of SMS's on their network but will benefit from the data plan that the user has to buy.[2]
Problem Face by Sabeer Bhatia Silicon Valley, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith decided to start a company that would develop Java programming tools to help publish databases on the Internet. they worked for a different company at the same time and didn’t want to us the company’s email account for their start up. This gave them an idea that interesting than java tools-a free e-mail service that could be accessed through the web. Bhatia and Smith started making the routine rounds among venture capitalists, trying to raise money. They get twenty rejection for there capital.
Solution After about twenty rejections they came to the venture capital firm of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. DFJ liked the idea of a free e-mail service that could be accessed through the web and gave the men $300,00 in seed money. Tim Draper of DFJ suggested that they add a line at the bottom of each e-mail messages sent by a subscriber of the service: Get your free e-mail message at” The service was launched on July 4,1996
The word started to spread both electronically and as a result of face-to-face conversations. it was good old word of mouth marketing, at Internet speed.
Characterstic The viral marketing strategy used was: 1) Give away free email address and service 2) Attach a simple tag at every free message sent out “Get your free, private e-mail @”
Within two months of its launch, Hotmail had more than 100,00 registered users. On November 11 the company announced that it had more than half a million subscribers, Eighteen months after its launch, Hotmail had 12 million subscribers.
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