A Practitioner’s Tips for Balancing Teaching, Service and Scholarship Kelly M. Smith, PharmD, FASHP Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Science Director, Residency Program Advancement University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy Clinical Specialist, Medication Use Policy University of Kentucky HealthCare
Study for BPS exam Student organization advisor Classroom teaching Create new case Update teaching portfolio Complete resident evaluation Attend national meeting Prepare CE presentation Student advisor Conduct manuscript peer-review Lead resident topic discussion Deliver inservice presentation Student rotationsAttend staff meeting Submit grades Hold office hours Page Dr. Jones Resident advisor Take meeting minutes Revise teaching philosophy Assemble P&T Meeting Agenda Resident rotations Create drug use guidelines Attend resident preceptor meeting Update course syllabus Prepare grant application Write test questions Write manuscript Design poster Attend committee meetings Submit IRB proposal Interview residency applicants Interview student applicants National committee member Conference call Employee evaluations Voice mail Document medication history Verify medications
Outline Observations from experience in both clinical and tenure-track positions at a research university Observations from experience in both clinical and tenure-track positions at a research university Incorporate patient care and institutional projects into a plan for personal academic success Incorporate patient care and institutional projects into a plan for personal academic success
Inquire Ability to create a job description – –Agreement from department chair and practice supervisor – –Re-evaluate often Likelihood of finding protected time – –The earlier, the better – –Much is given, much is expected
Inquire Expectations of service, teaching and scholarship Perceived value of specific activities – –Publications – quantity, peer review, impact factor, scope, interprofessional – –Advising – residents, students, student organizations – –Committee participation – –Meeting attendance
Identify Successful colleagues in similar roles Mentors, advisors and confidantes – –Feedback may be rare Focus for personal development Short and long-term career goals Political landscape
Investigate Resources to develop your skill set – –Campus offices, research collaborators Suitable approaches to consulting – –Role of a practice plan – –Continuing education – –Industry – –Legal
Invest Expansion of your abilities Projects to cultivate your expertise Developing relationship with chair and other colleagues Professional network outside the department, college and university
Implement New services, teaching models, and other innovations – –Share your successes Residency programs Carry projects through until completion and assessment
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main. -John Dunne ( )
Integrate Culture and mission of environment Students and residents in all aspects of your position – –Service, teaching and scholarship Become irreplaceable, yet adaptable Other disciplines
Integrate Teaching Service Scholarship
Integrate Teaching Service Scholarship
Independence Cultivate an independent reputation – –Scholarship – first and senior author – –Teaching – practice-grounded innovation – –Service – internally and externally Self-assessment of progress
Illustrate Demonstrate value and reproducibility of innovations, both internally and externally Visibility as contributor and good citizen Multiple roles of a contemporary clinician-educator to students and residents
Illustrate Scholarship Portfolio Curriculum vitae – –Projection in 5, 10, 20 years
I Inquire Identify Investigate Invest Innovate Implement Integrate Illustrate