There is a well-recognized disconnect between K-5 classrooms and science and mathematics methods courses: Inservice teachers in K-5 classrooms often do not use the same kinds of problem-solving and inquiry teaching practices that mathematics educators advocate and preservice teachers may fail to engage in problem-solving and inquiry teaching practices when they become new teachers. Beyond Bridging: Co-Education of Preservice & Inservice Elementary Teachers in Science &Mathematics Award # DRL DR K12 PI Meeting Dec. 1-3, 2010 Washington, D.C. The Problem Attempts to bridge the void between K-5 classrooms and methods courses (many of which we have tried) have sought to both situate preservice teacher learning in K-5 classrooms and change K-5 classrooms to better reflect reform science and mathematics teaching practices. However, K-5 classrooms and the university methods courses remain separate communities of practice, with K-5 inservice teachers and preservice teachers constructing different meanings, practices, and identities around science and mathematics teaching. The bridge intended to connect the two communities provides few supports for overcoming the significant barriers to change in the practices of either community. Sequence We are designing a new model that moves beyond bridging, drawing from the construct of a third space (Gutierrez, Baquedano-Lopez, Alvarez, & Chiu, 1999; Moje, Collazo, Carrillo, & Marx, 2001) and the notion of boundary communities (Wenger, 1998). This new, transformational space is being created where IS and PS teachers, mathematics and science teacher educators, scientists and mathematicians come together to build new meanings, practices, and identities. Goals & Research Questions Bridges as Failed Solutions K-5 Teachers and Administrators University Science and Mathematics Preservice Teacher Educators Field Placements and Field Based Methods Courses Beyond Bridging: A Third Space Model Co-Education Community/Third Space Collaborative Design & Implementation Field-based, Co-designed Methods Courses Field Placements with Inservice Teachers in Ongoing Professional Development Program Long-term Apprenticeships with Teachers Mentoring Content Workshops Co-Education Community/Third Space Collaborative Design & Implementation Field-based, Co-designed Methods Courses Field Placements with Inservice Teachers in Ongoing Professional Development Program Long-term Apprenticeships with Teachers Mentoring Content Workshops K-5 Teachers and Administrators Scientists and Mathematicians University Science and Mathematics Preservice Teacher Educators 1. Develop and evaluate co-educational preservice teacher education experiences that emphasize inquiry-based science teaching and problem-solving mathematics. a. What connections do preservice teachers make between methods course experiences, their mentoring from inservice teachers, and classroom experiences? b. What do preservice teachers learn about inquiry-based science teaching and problem-solving mathematics? c. Which contexts and what experiences support preservice teacher learning? 2. Develop and evaluate co-educational professional development experiences for K-5 school teachers that enhance knowledge of mentorship and supports self examination of inquiry and problem-solving techniques. a. What connections do inservice teachers make between professional development, mentoring, and their own teaching? b. What do inservice teachers learn about mentoring and teaching through their participation? 3. Engage scientists and mathematicians to collaborate in the development of preservice and inservice offerings. a. What contributions do scientists and mathematicians make to the education of preservice teachers? b. What do scientists and mathematicians learn through participation in co-educational activities? ParticipantsSemester 1Semester 2SummerSemester 3Semester 4 Preservice Teachers Courses at UA Courses at elementary school, including mathematics methods Classroom fieldwork Courses at school, including science methods Classroom fieldwork Student teach at same school with one of the inservice teachers in the project Inservice Teachers PD on mentoring PD on Powerful Practices – mathematics Input on mathematics methods assignments Mentor preservice teachers PD on “Powerful Practices” – science Input on science methods assignments Mentor preservice teachers Mentor preservice teachers during student teaching Preservice & Inservice together Plan and implement problem-solving mathematics lessons (w/ teacher educators) Powerful Practices in Mathematics and Science Institute (plan unit) Plan and implement inquiry science lessons (w/ teacher educators) Implement “Powerful Practices” unit Mathematics & Science Teacher Educators Plan and implement PD, facilitate input on mathematics methods assignments Teach mathematics methods course, plan and implement PD, facilitate input on science methods assignments Powerful Practices in Mathematics and Science Institute (assist with unit plan) Teach science methods course Assist with implementing Powerful Practices unit Observe student teachers Work on revisions for years 3 & 4 Mathematics & Science Grad Students & Co- PIs Work in inservice teachers classrooms Attend inservice teacher PD Powerful Practices in Mathematics and Science Institute (assist with unit plan) Assist with implementing Powerful Practices unit Mathematics & science Co- PIs work with teacher educators on revisions for years 3 & 4 Partners University of Arizona College of Education PI – Bruce Johnson Project Director – Molly Romano Key faculty – Erin Turner, Kristin Gunckel, Marcy Wood, Walter Doyle, Maura Varley, Courtney Koestler Graduate students – Elsa Schaub, PC Hseih, Philip Stevens Tucson Unified School District Co-PI -- Margaret Shafer Science specialist – Marleen Lyon Mathematics specialist – Melinda Radon Cragin Elementary School Davidson Elementary School University of Arizona College of Science Dept of Mathematics Co-PI -- Marta Civil Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Co-PI -- Katrina Mangin Contact PI: Bruce Johnson