EReg Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities Fleur Pullen – EReg Secretariat
2 Introduction Association of European Vehicle and Driver Registration Authorities Central vehicle registration or driver registration authorities of EU/EFTA Member States Subjects concern registration and documentation of vehicles and drivers
3 Origin Early 90’s: First form of cooperation in the field of data- exchange (EUCARIS) : Several informal meetings in Helsinki, Stockholm, Berlin and London May 2006: Meeting Cyprus – decision to found a European association May 2008: Meeting Malta - establishment of EReg Structure
4 Objectives The main objective of EReg is to: “Bring together the Registration Authorities” by: Sharing knowledge, experience and good practices Improving the performance of tasks Identifying and following European developments Influencing European laws and regulations and the EC Establishing cooperation arrangements with relevant third parties Promote effective and efficient data exchange
5 Key principles Voluntary cooperation based on developments and chances Shared interests and visions Self-organising at distance of the European Commission Largely a “virtual organisation”
6 Organisational structure
7 Members Current members (25) Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Gibraltar, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom New members (2) Slovenia and France (as of 1 July 2009) Interested members Portugal,Italy, Bulgaria, Austria, Greece and Spain
9 Activities (1) Day-to-day activities concerning the Association (mainly performed by EReg Chairman and EReg Secretariat): Communication (website, newsletters) Membership recruitment Finances (overview, budget) Work Plan (short, mid and long term) Progress Topic Groups Relations with members, EC and third parties
10 Activities (2) Activities concerning content (mainly by members in topic groups). Currently there are eight EReg Topic Groups: I.International data exchange II.Re-registration of vehicles within EU III.Vehicle end-of-life directive IV.Harmonisation of commercial plates V.Smart (card) vehicle documents VI.Vehicle registration procedures & the internet VII.3 rd directive on driving licensing VIII.Smart card driving license & technical chip standards
11 Topic Groups Sharing knowledge, information, know-how and expertise (determining & exchanging best-practices) Harmonising procedures, methods and documents (streamlining processes, preventing fraud) Influencing European laws and regulations and the position of the Commission Exploring new possibilities and future developments for improvement of services to citizens and organisations (e- government, electronic services, ICT applications)
“The success of EReg depends on an active contribution of the members to the different activities and Topic Groups.”
13 Stakeholders CORTE CIECA CEA Enforcers Expert comités EUCARIS CITA ISO European Council European Parliament European Commission Registration authorities ECR
14 Further professionalization Succeeding in the EReg Topic Groups (getting ahead) Extending the network (more EReg members) Extending the information monitoring role (spider in the web) Closer co-operation with relevant partners in the EU domain (EC, EP, CITA, CORTE, SPARKS, CEA, CIECA) Strengthening the European position
“The aim is to develop EReg further into a professional and active European association”
16 End Thank you for your interest! Questions? For more information, please contact: Fleur Pullen