WORK PACKAGE 5 Evaluation of Teachers Training Actions European Symposium Teacher training and the innovative use of ICT in HE. Paris, November 23rd Goals of WP5 (Evaluation)? - Methodology for Evaluation of TTA? - Web-questionnaires for Evaluation - How can teachers trainers use the questionnaires? - Results
GOALS of Evaluation of Teachers Training Actions Evaluation of What? NO 1.Teachers 2.Trainers 3. Institutions YES 1. The process of designing a TTA 2. The Tools used by teachers, trainers… 3. The Methodologies used
Criteria for Evaluation HE Teachers Training Actions Why Evaluation (Value added)? 1.Feed-Back on the Tool-Box (VLRC) 1.All Elene-TT production used in a TTA 2.Identifying Specific Usages of the Tools 1.Are the tools specific or generic (used outside the discipline or the national borders) 2.What are the extent of the usage 3.Identifying the Best Practices 1.Efficient way of using the tools developed by some partners 4.Feed Back on the effectiveness of acquiring new competencies in matter of ICT
Criteria for Evaluation of Teachers Training Actions HOW TO EVALUATE (Methodology) ? We identify 5 criteria : Assessment (Rationality) Efficiency (Cost/benefits – Time consumption - ) Adequacy to the demand Innovation of TTA Scope of the TTA (spill-overs)
METHODOLOGY For Teachers Training Actions Before TTA After TTA Questionnaire 1 Teachers Questionnaire 2 Teachers Questionnaire 3 Teachers Questionnaire 1 Trainer After TTA (6 months) TTA
Some problems Problems of EVALUATION ? Needs a lot of information Availability of teachers Technological problems in collecting data Problem of interpretation of the collected data
Example : UOC TTA Example : UOC TTA Online Teaching Training on ICT Competences 10 teachers (online TTA, 4 weeks)
UOC - TTA High Expectations: methodologies in VLE, to learn to motivate and coordinate, to acquire skills to work in groups, to learn methodology of uses of tools and resources, improve skills related to collaborative learning, To improve learning process and work, To acquire working strategies… Motivations: To update knowledge, to take the students role and work in the same environment and with the same tools, to improve teaching activity, to acquire competences to work in VLR, to improve knowledge, to improve collaborative work strategies & teaching methodologies, to be trained in collaborative work…
Evaluation (UOC – TTA) DimensionsAverage 5 – To make tutoring in a distance learning environment over Internet – To have good idea of the aspects of collaborative, active… authentic learning – To drive a virtual classroom and the shared area files – To communicate in a virtual context – To confirm understanding through the assessment and explanatory feedback – To make exchange of didactical methodologies between other instructors – To enhance one-to-one student dialogue – To create learning experiences from real life 3.8
Evaluation (UOC – TTA) DimensionsAverage 19 – To answer to technological problems – To use or to know how to use LMS – To design pages – To know laws of intellectual property rights and copyright regulations 2.2 8a – Ability to make an online questionnaire3.1
UOC TTA Innovative aspects: dynamic learning, collaborative learning, evaluation in virtual environments, work and analysis real cases Dissemination and recommendation: All the participants are going to disseminate the content of the action No missed dimensions for the TTA (point of view of the teachers).
Evaluation : Back to criteria Assessment : Well assessed Efficiency : (Cost/benefits : no analysis Not time consuming Adequacy to the demand : meet the needs expressed by the teachers Innovation of TTA : Yes for coordination and active learning –No specific uses / new uses Scope of the TTA (spill-overs) : regional, local dissemination