Institutional Web Management: Organising Chaos UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based. Administrative Details For Tuesday’s Parallel Sessions And For Wednesday Morning
2 About The Parallel Sessions The parallel sessions: Provide an opportunity for active participation Provide an opportunity to make suggestions and formulate action points for your own institution and for other groups (e.g. JISC, UK Web Focus, etc.) In the sessions: Appoint a reporter who will report back on Wednesday morning Spent 5-10 minutes at the end completing the evaluation form which should help the reporter to summarise the key points
3 Parallel Sessions – Tuesday A1: E-Learning (Paul Helm / Megan Baxter) A2: Users of Our Services (Colin Work) A3: Practical Web Strategies (Amber Thomas / Dave Lomas) A4: CMS Case Studies (Paul Browning / Mike Lowndes) A5: Intranets (James Currall) A6: Web Site Redevelopment (Miles Banberry) A7: E-Business (Andrew Aird) A8: Update Your Web Skills (Helen Sargan, Ingrid Evans) These session aim to provide in-depth coverage of a key area. The sessions are intended to be interactive and all delegates are encouraged to contribute. You should have chosen 1 A session
4 Parallel Sessions – Tuesday B1: 'Legal, Decent, Honest and Truthful‘ (Ralph Weedon) B2: The Cookie Monster and Other Ethical Issues (David Lomas)Merged with A3 session B3: CMS - Buy Or Build? (Paul Browning / Mike Lowndes) B4: XML and XSLT (Mark Ray/Andrew Savory) B5: Automated News Feeds (Brian Kelly) B6: Hands-On Webcasting (Alan Collins) B7: Addressing Usability Issues in HE Websites (Grace de la Flor) You should have chosen 1 B session
5 Parallel Sessions – Tuesday C1: Advertising and AUPs (Diane McDonald) C2: Providing Information To Third Parties (Brian Kelly) C3: Promoting Your Web Site (Dave Hartland) C4: Zope From Absolute Zero (Paul Browning) C5: Approaches To Personalisation (Gareth McAleese) C6: Benchmarking Web Sites (Marieke Napier) You should have chosen 1 C session
6 Roles Workshop Facilitator: Ensure everyone gets a chance to participate Encourage newcomers to contribute Ensure single issues / personalities don’t dominate Manage timekeeping Provide time for reflections on conclusions Workshop Reporter: Assist facilitator in summarising key issues and making recommendations Provide brief report back for Wed morning (possibly session A only) Write up summary afterwards, which will be available on workshop Web site
7 Wednesday Morning (1) Check Out Regional Group Meetings SW, SE, Midlands, NW, NE, Scotland, Ireland, Wales & elsewhere These aren’t necessarily the regions for regional Webmaster events Opportunity to discuss whether regional group events are needed, and, if so, to instigate them Opportunity to discuss workshop and provide feedback for next year’s event
8 Wednesday Morning (2) Report Back Report back on morning parallel sessions Tea break Brief (!) report back on afternoon parallel sessions Conclusions Comments on workshop and thoughts on next year’s event Lunch