Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre Yildiray Ogurol Center for Multimedia in Higher Education eLene-TT eLearning Network Teachers Training Kick-Off-Meeting, Nice 2005 WP6: VLRC Virtual Learning Resource Centre Yildiray Ogurol Center for Multimedia in Higher Education
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre VLRC - Background The World Wide Web (WWW) has many advantages in distribution and presentation of electronic learning resources. Problem: Finding the right offers / resources on demand. Goal: Providing a solution based on international standards called Virtual Learning Resource Centre (VLRC), which provides a meta-data collection of learning resources. VLRC offers services for authors to document and for users (teachers & teachers trainers) to retrieve resources (based on the meta-data) The VLRC also offers content management functionalities?
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre WP6 – VLRC (Objectives)
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre Approach International Standards –Learning Object Metadata (LOM) Specification (IEEE- Standard 1484) adopted by Instructional Management System (IMS) –XML as syntax for interfaces and SQL-Database for storage Define technical specifications and functionalities Design the architecture of VLRC Design the Templates for describing resources (Authors) Design the Templates for direct retrieval (Users & Authors) Build an interactive guidance system for profile based retrieval (Users & Authors)
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre LOM (Learning Object Model) LOM General Lifecycle MetaMetaData Technical Educational Rights Relation Annotation Classification
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre evaluationevidence type description location Annotation quality managementprocess standard description location LOM- Extensions
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre VLRC - Architecture VLRC Repository Web-Service Web-Frontend HTMLPDFXML User Import eLearning Application SOAP XML-File … …
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre Activities 1.Installation of server environment: –SQL-Database –Existing Learning Ressource Server (LRS) 2.Adaptation of LRS datamodel for LOM-Standard 3.Adaptation of LRS front-end 4.Result: VLRC with retrieval and storage capabilities based on LOM for Users (Teachers & Teachers Trainers) 5.Integration of VLRC in the overall website 6.Provide interactive guidance system for profile based retreavel bases 7.Documentation (reference, user manual)
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre Intermediate Milestones VLRC 1.0 (October 2005) Integration and Adaption to overall Website (December 2005) Completing User Manual for VLRC 1.0 (November 2005) Interactive Guidance System (February 2006) VLRC 2.0 incl. interactive guidance (April 2006) Completing User Manual for VLRC 2.0 (May 2006) Revision with respect to user feedback and results of evaluation (November 2006) Completing system reference for VLRC 2.0 (December 2006)
Zentrum für Multimedia in der Lehre