WP2 - work plan1 Initial selection of tools and resources Päivi Virtanen FVU- Finnish Virtual University & University of Helsinki
WP2 - work plan2 Objectives of WP2 To map out existing European tools and resources to enhance effective teaching and learning. To select tools and resources (based on the criteria defined in WP1) for pilot implementation in HE teacher training activities in WP4.
WP2 - work plan3 Approach Tools and resources to enhance effective teaching and learning: - problem based teaching/exploratory learning - research based teaching - self-regulative learning - collaborative learning - active learning Approach in line with the criteria defined in WP1
WP2 - work plan4 Suggestion for the criteria of initial selection -Contents in line with the criteria of WP1 -Language suitable for several eLene partners (preferably English?) -Usage free of charge, unlimited use -Not restricted to national standards only (e.g. Ope.fi –levels in Finland)
WP2 - work plan5 The tools and resources from areas: - course design - learning process - skills assessment - tutoring - collaborative learning -… Do we try to cover all or focus on certain areas?
WP2 - work plan6 Input Resources and tools are mapped out in partner countries: France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland + Great Britain? + new EU countries? + others? Each partner provides a list of tools and resources with: 1. a short description (area, aims etc.) 2. the url and other references to get more detailed information 3. contact information of contact persons (designer of the tool etc.)
WP2 - work plan7 Input Each partner maps out resources and tools in their country. 1. Each partners own institute: the centre of learning technology, departments of teacher training, department of education etc., training of teaching staff 2. Other institutions of partners country: centres of learning technology, educational technology etc.
WP2 - work plan8 Resources Resources required (person/days): Canege30 Milano30 Bremen30 UOC60 Helsinki30 (+10) Umeå40 Utrecht30 Is it possible to change time inputs ?
WP2 - work plan9 Intermediate milestones 28/02/2005 Lists and short descriptions of tools and resources from each eLene partners. 15/04/2005 WP1 ends (has produced criteria for selecting the tools to pilot use) 22/04/2005 A detailed list and description of tools and resources mapped out for initial selection 06/05/2005 Feedback from partners on initial selection 31/05/2005 Final selection of tools ready for pilot implementation (WP4 01/07/2005-)
WP2 - work plan10 Questions Criteria for possible tools and resources Areas of tools and resources Countries to take for mapping/ Tips of contact persons in the non-partner countries? Input and workload ok? Intermediate milestones ok? What else to take into account?