Using Data Hygiene. Real World Issues Focus moves from strategic concepts in identifying individuals to operational concepts. Representative issues Multiple.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Data Hygiene

Real World Issues Focus moves from strategic concepts in identifying individuals to operational concepts. Representative issues Multiple versions of a name People with similar names People having multiple relationships (with the company) Customers who become dormant People who move People who provide incomplete address Data transcription errors Individuals who change their names People who do not want to be promoted

Data Hygiene Set of techniques that when adopted as a whole improves efficiency. Major advantages –Increases mail efficiency –Reduces non deliverables –Consequently, decrease in expenses –Counts of duplication help in identifying market segments, and prospect responsiveness

Applying Hygiene Proceeds through a sequence of two steps –Individual records –Comparisons among files Before contacting using the final list –Tests are defined and segments are applied. Upon receiving responses of the promotion –Tests are reviewed to test if the segments spanned out as planned.

Name Standardization Parse names into individual components Dr. Jeffery M. Putsis Jr. Title =Dr. First Name = Jeffery Middle Initial =M Last Name = Putsis Suffix = Jr. Name Parsed Name

Address standardization Like a name an address can be divided into its elements(First address line, Second address line, City, State, Zip code) Also, various edits and validations possible - Order data on address line - Standardized abbreviations for words such as road, apartment, street - Verify that Zip code is valid - Replace vanity names with postal names

File Scrubbing Extraneous data included in the address portion of the records. City Federal FBO Anthony Smith Julia Smith JT 1123 Elm Street Anytown, USA Have to remove FBO and JT before matching names across files.

Determining Deliverability Information available from USPS to determine deliverability –ZIP +4 file –Delivery Sequence file (DSF) –National Change of Address Processing File created from change of address forms that people mail to post offices when they leave

Comparison Among Files Identify duplicate records across multiple files. Focus is on consolidating records for a particular customer across multiple files. Major processes: –Identify duplicates –Enhance files with external data –Consolidate data at the individual and household level

Duplicate Identification Housholding –Process intended to identify an aggregation of individuals Household level communication is sometimes needed. E.g., home owners or mortgage insurance. Multiple mailings to a household has the same effect as multiple mailings to an individual.

Uses of Duplicate Identification Measure list fatigue Estimate how new lists should perform Identify new market segments Identify best performing areas

The Consolidation Process Retain duplicates identified between records, and between files. Process Steps Load Records Identify new/changed records Extract existing records that match Purge/Merge at household and then at individual level Table of names Match Back

Campaign Management

Major Marketing Processes The process Marketing Management Monitor Coordinate Planning Promotion Development Promotion Execution Marketing Analysis

Campaign Phases Campaigns are groups of related promotional efforts undertaken to achieve a set of marketing objectives. Phases in the life of a marketing campaign –Planning –Development –Execution –Analysis

Management Processes Monitoring Management must have a facility to keep track of the status and schedule of each campaign. Coordination Realize interdependence between tasks. Resource utilization and allocation.

Campaign Planning Segment Customers Budget & Schedule Segment Promotion Plans Research & Testing Store Variables about Customer Segments Time Frame Objectives Gross Volume estimates Major Media decisions Campaign calendar Marketing Budget basis Resources and Milestones Continuous update Methodology and type of tests defined Tests improve profitability Increase effectiveness of future campaigns

Campaign Development Process Promotion Develop Collateral Mail Package Package Items Develop Offer Define Cells Select Names Script Advertisement Identify Offer Define Conditions Select Collateral Select Offer Selection Name Criteria Specify Keycode Identify Prospects Analyze Names Mark Names Extract Names

Campaign Execution Typically outsourced. Common Services include –Mail stream processing –Key code level maintenance Advantages of telemarketing –Disposition for each solicitation Sale Contact including/excluding sale Non-contact Contact not attempted

Campaign Analysis Profile Analysis –Compare the composition of responders with non responders –Characteristics in terms of database variables Response Analysis –Return on promotions –Response, inquiries, and lead summaries –Analysis at segment level.

Profile Analysis Profile analysis can be conducted during –Defining customer segments –Designing tests –Developing selection criteria –When responses are received –After promotion to review attrition Profiled using existing or derived fields.

Response Analysis Calculating trends Performed at –Segment –Market –Product line –Campaign, and –Promotion levels etc. Problems occur when sales cannot be tied directly to the promotion or individual