V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD1 The Alliance: a Forum for Business Leaders Business Plan FY February 2006 Update Daniel W. DeHayes Professor Emeritus of Business Administration Kelley School of Business Indiana University Facilitator February 2006
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD2 Outline FY Goals Progress to Date Focused Initiatives to June 2006 Needed Help
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD3 FY Goals Sustain excellent member satisfaction with programs Satisfaction surveys in September and November were very positive Identify a sponsoring organization Affiliation agreement with Indiana University ready for approval Have at least 40 members by the end of the fiscal year Net 8 new members since July guests today. 36 members. Achieve financial breakeven Cash balance should be sufficient to fund FY operations.
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD4 FY Major Initiatives Organize and execute 4 outstanding programs around the theme of “Improving Performance.” Conduct aggressive membership retention and recruitment program. Execute a transparent transition from IU JCEI. Support the governance structure of the organization.
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD5 Action Plan--Programming for “Improving Performance” May 2006 –Recent Changes in the Private Equity Market –? –Review of the Year and Plans for Next Year--DeHayes –Supplier Management—IUPUI Kelley Professor –Study Proposal—How Leaders Use their Time—DeHayes and Haeberle –Member Updates--?
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD6 Action Plan--Retain and Recruit Members Inform members of transition--DONE. Identify concerns among the members over the transition--DONE. Identify prospective new members via current members and personal contacts--ONGOING. Encourage current members to invite guests to meetings-- SUCCESSFUL AND WILL CONTINUE. Visit sample of member firms to learn their business--TARGET FOR REAT OF FISCAL YEAR. Clarify membership rules--TARGET FOR MAY 2006 MEETING. DESIGNED NEW BROCHURE (see handout).
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD7 Action Plan--Managing a Successful Transition Hire experienced, helpful person as the “Account Manager”--DONE. Install electronic infrastructure--DONE. Set up office for the administrative person--DONE. Transfer and inventory paper and electronic files from JCEI— CLEANOUT AND INVENTORYING UNDERWAY. Collect FY dues promptly—NEARLY COMPLETED. Establish key administrative processes--DRAFTED.
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD8 Action Plan--Support the Governance Structure Identify candidates for future leadership positions—SEE SLATE. Identify potential sponsoring the organizations, working with the Board to select--COMPLETED. Hold regular and special board of advisors meetings--UNDERWAY. Secure pro bono auditing service for financials--KSM HAS AGREED TO PROVIDE. Actively engage WLH + DCH as advisors--MEETING WITH WLH EVERY 3-4 WEEKS.
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD9 Focused Initiatives to 30 June 2006 Solidify outstanding May 2006 program Encourage February and May 2006 guests to join. Build guest lists for the May 2006 and September 2006 meetings. Enhance web site for members. Develop plan to build the Alliance brand. Support the leadership transition. Identify ways to increase interaction with IU. Visit reference groups for names of potential new members. Visit 3-6 member companies.
V1.0/27 January 2006/DWD10 Where you can Help Identify topics and speakers you would like for future programs. Identify guests for May and September conferences. Use the brochure and direct people to the web site. Be willing to host a visitor (me) so I can learn about your business. Consider how you can interact with IU programs—e. g., hiring KSB Indianapolis interns, offering a project for study by KSB Indianapolis MBAs, hiring KSB grads from Indianapolis.