United States of Europe “ In varietate concordia “ (United in diversity)
Why should the UE become the United States of Europe (or not) Old dream of Europe unification : Roman empire, Napoleon Bonaparte… In a globalized world, it appears to be “safer” to be part of a great structure (China, India, USA…) It is the goal of the European Commission (Viviane Reding), as a way to strengthen the unity of Europe* People believe in a strong defense union The UE is supposed to bring economic stability There is a hope for Europe to be the safeguard of democracy * Source : http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-12-796_en.htm
Democracy Lisbon treaty signed without referendum (France, Ireland...) Non-elected leaders (Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, Catherine Ashton, in charge of the Foreign Affairs of the EU…) The UE has taken over the democracies (Mario Monti hasn’t been elected, Greece has lost its sovereignty). The European law is above our own constitution* Treaties are diminishing the sovereignty of the countries (European fiscal compact…) * Source : http://www.jurispolis.com/dt/mat/dr_fr_infl_ue.htm
Security and defense policy Very different geostrategic interests (Atlanticism in the UK) France was against the war in Iraq (UK, Italy, Spain, Poland) France has no support in the Northern Mali conflict No border in the Schengen Area, no protectionism at the European border
Economy The Euro Zone is a failure (no devaluation = no exportation, billions injected to save the Euro... For zero economic growth) No harmonization of the social policy -> Social dumping from the Eastern countries (even in Germany)* Countries have to borrow their money on the private markets. Ex from Nigel Farage, leader of the UKIP Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland in trouble (the “PIIGS”) The austerity policy is aggravating the crisis * Source : http://www.latribune.fr/actualites/economie/union-europeenne/20120314trib000688164/en-allemagne-pres-d-un-salarie-sur-quatre-touche-un-bas-salaire.html
Various issues We can’t control the EU health policy (GMO, Meat and Bone Meal…) People in Europe don’t want an United State of Europe and are attached to their countries The austerity policy has led to tragic political changes (Golden Dawn in Greece, Neo-Nazi parties in all the EU) The so-call European Union is now the battleground of an economic war Many other issues I might not be able to talk about…
Conclusion I hope you enjoyed my presentation ! Time for debate