2 AIMS OF EDUCATION REFORM To reorganize the schooling system in accordance with the need to efficiently contribute to the economic revival of the country; To modernize or reorganize the schooling system so that it substantially contributes to the democratic development and European integration of the country
3 THE CURRICULAR CONCEPT The key points: Decentralisation (autonomy for schools and teachers) Focus on the student Focus on the learning process Focus on the outcome, not the content of education Thematic approach Longer obligatory education (9 years)
4 Uniformed program Inspection Centralized management Instead of controlling Controlling the the input the outcome WHAT DO WE SUGGEST? Uniformed textbooks Core curricula Outcomes evaluation Support for TeachersSupport for School
6 STRATEGY FOR PERMANENT DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS Pre-service training, induction, in-service training System of monitoring and work assessment + Professional development of teachers UNIFIED CONCEPT =
7 OBJECTIVES: Preparing teachers for complex professional roles Building professional and decision making competencies Increasing professional responsibility for the quality and the results of the teaching process PRE-SERVICE TRAINING
8 Change in the curriculum Change in the methodology Faculty professional development/ Universities Continuing Education DIRECTION OF CHANGE IN PRE- SERVICE TRAINING
9 INDUCTION OBJECTIVES: Acquiring practical knowledge and skills guided by the mentor Additional measures in quality control for future teachers
10 New concept of induction period Procedure for professional exam (license) Training for the mentors Legal regulation DIRECTION OF CHANGE IN INDUCTION
11 IN - SERVICE TRAINING OBJECTIVES: Capacity building for different roles of teachers Higher autonomy in planning, performance and evaluation of the teaching process More active participation in the professional training and advancement of the education system Inclusion in process of lifelong and universal education We want our school to change from an institution of memorizing into an institution of thinking ROR, Arandjelovac
12 DIRECTIONS OF CHANGE IN IN-SERCE TRAINING 1.Establishment of an institutional framework for teacher training 2.Аccreditation of a professional training program and elaboration of a catalogue 3. Definition of criteria for professional advancement of teachers 4. Preparation of teachers for new and complex roles foreseen in the reform (compulsory and optional programs) 5. Formation of a database
13 LAW ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM New institutions aimed to support development of education (councils and centers) Continuous professional development of educational staff (induction, licenses, professional competencies, accreditation..) New educational programs for future teachers
14 THE LICENSE FOR TEACHERS Extending of the License – five year period Attending the accredited programs (100 hours during five years) Realization of educational work focused on attaining defined educational outcomes Approved physical and psychological health preconditions for educational work with students The License can be suspended or revocated
15 NEW EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR FUTURE TEACHERS WHY ? Complex professional competencies New teachers profiles : integrated subjects education for democratic citizenship elective subjects
16 TEACHER COMPETENCIES 1.Implementation and development of professional knowledge and values 2.Communications and interaction with students, parents, colleagues and local community 3.Planning and decision-making in teaching and learning process 4.Monitoring and assessment of students progress 5.Planning and self-evaluation of continuous professional development
17 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Councils National and regional centers for professional development Center for accreditation Centers at faculties and institutes Expert associations and societies – regional and national level School teams (interdisciplinary) Teachers networks that realize specific programs (active learning/teaching, classroom of goodwill, non-violent communication, critical thinking)
18 NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Strategy for professional development of educators Setting the standards of knowledge, skills and abilities of educators Accreditation and evaluation of development programs Development of the system for professional advancement Organisation and realization of seminars for instructors Information and documentation system (database) Licensing and license register Coordination of the work of the regional centers Сooperation with institutions and organizations Аnalytic and research activity Publishing and other duties
19 REGIONAL CENTERS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Coordination of offer and demand on the regional level Assessment of needs Cooperation with schools, NCPR, institutions and organisations Оrganization and realization of professional training Information and documentation system (database) Promotion of professional organization of teachers Elaboration of reference material and manuals Program evaluation
21 COMPULSORY PROFESSIONAL TRAINING INCLUDES Giving a lecture, activities attending the lecture, activities and analysis attending expert meetings participating in the elaboration of school development programs Attending the accredited programs (100 lessons at least, during 5 years )
23 PEDAGOGICAL СOUNSELLOR o Five years of service o Over average level of accomplishment of pedagogical and educational goals compared to the initial state and working conditions o Initiates and participates in raising of the quality of o educational and pedagogical process o extracurricular activities o Accomplished training program of at least 140 lessons
24 МЕNTOR o Title of pedagogical counsellor o Eight years of service o High level of accomplishment of pedagogical and educational objectives o Initiates and participates in raising the quality of o educational process o extracurricular activities o Uses a PC o Has knowledge of one foreign language o Accomplished the training program for a mentor
25 INSTRUCTOR o The title of mentor o Ten years of service o High level of accomplishment of pedagogical and educational objectives o Initiates and participates in raising the quality of the o teaching and educational process o extracurricular activities o Five published expert studies o Works on a PC o Knows one foreign language o Accomplished training program of at least 200 lessons o Realized training program of at least 100 lectures
26 SENIOR PEDAGOGICAL COUNSELLOR o Title of instructor o Twelve years of service o Title of expert or Master of Arts o High level of accomplishment of educational and pedagogical objectives o Initiates and participates in raising the quality of the o teaching and educational process o extracurricular activities o Published expert /scientific studies o Works on a PC o Knows one foreign language and has passive knowledge of a second one o Creation and realization of research projects
27 Creating objective criteria for career advancement and accreditation programs Evaluation of accreditation programs Creating standards for teaching profession Decentralization of the professional development system OPEN QUESTIONS ? ? ?
28 THANK YOU Snezana Klasnja Ministry of Education and Sports Department for Professional Development Nemanjina Belgrade Serbia and Montenegro