HALLOWEEN Scuola Media Romolo Onor Classe 1D English Project: Festivals Alex Argilagos, Jeson Hudorovich Bryian Ibrahimi, Giovanni Redigolo
The name Halloween comes from “All Hallows’Eve” or the day before “All Saints Day” (1st November ).
The British and the Americans celebrate Halloween on 31st October.
Halloween is celebrated in the United Kingdom, North America, Netherlands and Ireland. Recently is celebrated also in Italy.
The origin of Halloween dates back to ancient Celtic druids. The Celts used the day (31st October) to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and also believed that this transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead.
Lots of families make Jack o’ lanterns, a tradition from Ireland. They are pumpkins with a sad, happy or angry face and a candle inside. Children put the Jack o’lanterns in the windows of their houses.
TRICK OR TREAT? On Halloween evening children go from house to house saying: «Trick or treat!». People usually give sweets, otherwise the children get a trick.
Children have parties and dress up as ghosts, vampires, witches and monsters.
They play traditional Halloween games: APPLE- BOBBING SWINGING APPLES