Alan Barnard Template for Submissions of Case Studies to Logistics Achiever Awards LOGISTICS ACHIEVER AWARDS
Alan Barnard SESSION OBJECTIVES To answer the following five questions: 1.WHY CHANGE? – What created the need for Change? 2.WHAT TO CHANGE? – What was causing the Problems? 3.TO WHAT TO CHANGE? – What was the “best” solution? 4.HOW TO CAUSE THE CHANGE? – What are the details of the solution and how was the solution implemented? 5.HOW TO MEASURE THE CHANGE? – What were the actual benefits achieved and where to from here?
Alan Barnard AGENDA 1.Introduction of Company 2.Company Goal and Strategic Objectives 3.Definition of specific Problems / Challenges in achieving Goal 4.The Analysis 5.The Solution 6.The Implementation 7.Results Achieved to Date 8.Learnings 9.The Team involved 10.The Way Forward
Alan Barnard THE COMPANY [ Provide details of the company such as history, what type of business it is in, what products / services do they deliver, how big is the business in turnover, no. of divisions and employees, which part of the business was impacted by this project etc.]
Alan Barnard THE GOAL & STRATEGY [ Provide details of the company’s goal and Strategic Objectives relating to the submission]
Alan Barnard THE PROBLEM [ Provide details of the problems the company was experiencing or the objectives it wanted to achieve that created the need / urgency for the change]
Alan Barnard THE ANALYSIS [ Provide details of the analysis approach and team / external partners used to determine what was causing the problems or what limited the company from achieving its objectives]
Alan Barnard THE SOLUTION [ Provide details of the solution selected and detail requirements to address the problems or challenges to achieve the goal or strategic objectives]
Alan Barnard THE IMPLEMENTATION [ Provide details of how the solution was implemented, what processes, rules and measurements had to be changed, what new technology was required, what change management was involved etc.]
Alan Barnard THE RESULTS [ Provide details of the results achieved to date in comparison to the baseline at the start of the project]
Alan Barnard THE LEARNINGS [ Provide details of the learnings from this project achieved to date]
Alan Barnard THE TEAM [ Provide details of the team involved in the implementation, including details of external partners, suppliers or providers used]
Alan Barnard THE WAY FORWARD [ Provide details of the next challenge, the way forward and expected benefits as part of your continuous business improvement drive]
Alan Barnard QUESTIONS