COUNTRY Quality and Completeness of the R-PIN Ownership by both the government and relevant stakeholders Consistency between national strategies & REDD Strategy Completeness of information & data provided Clear responsibility for execution of REDD Bolivia HighStrong ownership by several ministries and indigenous peoples In line with National Development Plan, sustainable forest management and benefit sharing by indigenous peoples CompleteTwo coordinating committees created to start REDD activities Costa Rica Overall high quality. Slightly confused presentation of deforestation data. Global leader. Extensive consultations. In line with national system of payments for environmental services and national ban on conversion of forests. Complete.Clear. Guyana HighHigh political support, with strong intl NGO involvement. Consultations on R-PIN. Strongly linked to national sustainable forest management strategy CompleteShould be further specified. Mexico High Strong buy-in from forestry and environment agencies, but no consultations beyond that REDD is part of the National Climate Change Strategy. But potential conflict with ag. programs CompleteClear within forest sector, but not across sectors. Latin America – Sheet 1
COUNTRY Feasibility of proposal & likelihood of success Relevance of country in REDD context Variety of approachesGeographic and biome balance Bolivia Potential conflict between internal relocation of population and conservation policies. Good experience from Noel Kempff project. Among the top deforesting countries in the world. Strong international proponent of REDD. High indigenous focus. Mix of command and control and financial incentives. Tradable deforestation permits for soy industry. Amazonian and Andean regions Costa Rica Builds on national system of payments for environmental services and first experience with forest carbon finance REDD provides a complementary or substitute source of revenues for the domestic tax on hydrocarbons. Costa Rica built its tourism industry on forest protection. Good chance to test REDD through payments to individuals and communities Most varied forest types in Meso-America. Guyana Good track record in concession management. Also conservation concessions. High forest cover and low deforestation country. Forest economy and high timber value. REDD could finance maintenance of existing carbn stocks and econ. dvlment Guyana considering creation of carbon and biodiversity reserves Amazonian and Guiana Shield Mexico Strong institutional and financial framework to build on, however governance issues still remain Mexico loses 350,000 ha of forest every year. Second largest emitter from deforestation in Latin America. Track record in community forestry. Payments for environmental services. Use of Mexican Forest Fund to guarantee projects. Temperate and tropical forests. Endemic conifers. High diversity. Latin America – Sheet 2
COUNTRY Quality and Completeness of the R-PIN Ownership by both the government and relevant stakeholders Consistency between national strategies & REDD Strategy Completeness of information & data provided Clear responsibility for execution of REDD Nicaragua Good attempt but disconnection between problem description and proposed REDD strategies Adequate for this stage. REDD strategy is beign designed as part of the new forest policy Limited data available but national forest inventory is starting. Description provided but unclear coordination Panama HighHigh, as illustrated at the April 2008 international workshop REDD directly builds on national environmental strategy CompleteANAM has a clear mandate. Decentralization of protected areas to indigenous peoples. Latin America – Sheet 3
COUNTRY Feasibility of proposal & likelihood of success Relevance of country in REDD context Variety of approachesGeographic and biome balance Nicaragua Currently limited but could improve with international technical assistance for the new forest program. Though Nicaraguan forests are small on a global scale, they are important on a regional scale and provide key livelihoods of some indigenous peoples Very general descriptionMeso-American corridor Panama Strong thanks to integration in current policies Good demonstration country for REDD Based on ongoing national programs, in particular watershed management. Leader in protected area management and devolution of forest management to indigenous communities Meso-American corridor Latin America – Sheet 4