The Norwegian experience with EU Education Programmes Lene Oftedal - Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Bucharest May
2 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes Education in Norway International cooperation Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci The integrated program for Life Long Learning Survey on Norwegian implementation of Comenius THE PRESENTATION
3 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes BASIC CHARACTERISTICS 4.5 million people –The largest part of the student population attending public institutions without tuition fees –Education institutions enjoy a high share of public funding –OECD: Norway have the 2.most educated population in the world (USA is no 1) –Norwegians spend on average 14 years in the education system –28 % have a Masters degree –50 % of the 20 years-population is in Higher education
4 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes STRUCTURE The public higher education sector in Norway now (2005) encompasses: –6 universities –5 specialised university level institutions –25 university colleges Private higher education: –30 institutions with the right to award exams –21 are getting public support –Small institutions (with one exception)
5 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes STUDENTS AND STAFF (2004) StudentsStaff Total Universities Specialized university institutions National Academies of the Arts University colleges Other colleges (policy, etc) Private colleges
6 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes EU AND NORWAY- BACKGROUND EEA-agreement - EU 6th framework Programme - The Bologna Process - Lisbon Strategy, Copenhagen Declaration The Education and Training Programmes Socrates Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus Mundus The Integrated Programme for LifeLongLearning
7 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes NORWEGIAN STUDENTS ABROAD
8 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes ORGANIZATION OF ADMINISTRATION SOCRATES AND LEONARDO DA VINCI 2 national agencies – after call for tender From 2007 The Integrated programme for LifeLongLearning – one agency for all actions – EU-applauds this decision For newcomers in EU Education Programmes: 1 national Agency!
9 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes ACTIVITIES IN THE EU PROGRAMMES The Role of the Ministry, the National Agency and the Education sector Ministerial level: International Policy Development National Agency: Competence building and networks with -the sector -social partners -embassies The Education sector must get an ownership to the programmes The Education Sector must grab the opportunity
10 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes OWNERSHIP TO THE PROGRAMMES National committees -Comenius -Grundtvig -Erasmus incl. Erasmus Mundus -Mobility -Projects MISSION: Policy development, distribution of funds, information tasks COMMITTEE: Education sector, social partners, student organizations, teachers and trainers (!)
11 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes INTERNATIONALISATION OF EDUCATION EU Programmes have a tremendous impact on internationalisation of Norwegian Education 80ies: international cooperation was the exception Changed everyday life: pupils, students, apprenticeship, teachers. Changing Agent: Reforming Education System Survey on the impact of Socrates- Comenius
12 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes COMPLEMENTARITY – INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE EU: FUTURE CHALLENGES Teacher and trainer education Basic skills Foreign language teaching ICT Maths and science Resources and investment Mobility and European cooperation Open learning environment Active citizenship Inclusion Making learning attractive Links with working life and society NO: CULTURE FOR LEARNING Teacher and trainer education Basic skills Foreign language teaching ICT Maths and science Resources and investment Mobility and international cooperation Open learning environment Active citizenship Inclusion Making learning attractive Links with working life and society
13 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes EXPERIENCES AND IMPACTS MAIN FINDINGS The teachers knowledge of other countries (8,2/10) The pupils knowledge of other countries (7,6/10) Attitudes towards other cultures (7,6/10) Use of new technology (7,6/10) Teaching and learning as team work (7,2/10) The teachers skills in foreign languages (7,1/10) Knowledge of own cultural heritage (7,0/10) Interdisciplinarity (7,0/10) Motivation for learning (6,8/10) General quality in education (6,6/10) Co-operation with local community (4,7)
14 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes LANGUAGES IN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL WORK MAIN FINDINGS English is the winner Pupils interested in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish Teachers interested in EN, DE, IT, FR, ES EN becomes the instrument of learning other cultures !? Choice of language choice of partner country New languages in the curriculum (ES, FR, DE, IT, PT) Changes in teaching and learning methods. Authenticity. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL): EN, DE, FR System level vs. individual level Obstacles: 1) Economy 2) Lack of qualified teachers 3) Curriculum
15 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes THE AFTEREFFECTS OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL WORK- MAIN FINDINGS REASONS FOR PARTICIPATION; Impact on people (30 %) Impact on teaching/learning (38 %) Impact on motivation (20 %) OBSTACLES TO PARTICIPATION; IN RETROSPECT: Administration/finance (59 %) Attitudes (31 %) Communication, formalities (35 %)
16 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes SUCCESS CRITERIA Recognition issues Language issues Academic issues Culture issues Accommodation Funding issues
17 Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Norway and EU Education Programmes AGENDA SETTING Standard setting Quality Development Changing Agent : Internationalisation and International Education Programmes contribute to transformation of education ENJOY !