To 5th Grade! Blessings Ms Danza Rivera
School Bible Verse: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Dismissal procedures: 1 st day (Aug. 8) is a day 0. Dismissal is at 2:00 PM. 5 th grade regular dismissal will be at the front of the school at 3:30 PM (Days 1,3,4 and 6) On Days 2 and 5, it will be at 2:30 PM. Students that stay after any of these hours, will be escorted to Cancha Care. Students must stay with teachers at all times. They will lose conduct points if they separate from the teacher during dismissal time. No early dismissal will be allowed at the last period. General Information:
5 th grade: – Chapels Day 1 at 2:15-3:00 PM. – Snack time is at 9:00-9:15 AM – Lunch is at 11:45 AM. – Recess will be after lunch until 12:45 PM. – In 5 th grade students exchange classrooms for all classes. They will need a back pack to facilitate this process. – Parent teacher meetings are by appointment only with the Elementary Secretary. – Parent teacher communications: General Information:
Special Classes: PE: – Wear PE uniform – 5-1: Days 3 & 6 Music/Art: – 5-1: Day 2 & 4 Do not bring any Art or Music materials until you know which class the student will take this semester. IMPORTANT: Subject to change.
I teach Social Studies Class to all 5 th graders and Science to 5-1
Social Studies Materials: Notebook (used and checked daily) Textbook (1 st semester United States Vol. 1) Workbook (1 st semester United States Vol. 1) – Workbooks stay in my classroom for easy storage. Workbooks are graded. 1 pocket folder or binder for: – worksheets – assignments – projects – special announcements 1 file folder – for teacher
Social Studies Materials: In Social Studies Class we do many special projects. Usually I assign the materials that will be needed and we do the project in the classroom together. Be sure to check frequently for special announcements, projects due dates and tests days. If you have any questions or comments you can me at
Social Studies Grade Distribution: Test and Special Projects (announced) – 60% Classwork (worksheets, notebook and workbook) – 25% Quizzes – (unannounced) 10% Homework – (notebook and materials for special project) 5%
1 st Semester 2nd Semester 5 th grade social studies textbook
5-1 Science Materials: Textbook Notebook (used and checked daily) 1 pocket folder or binder for: – worksheets (classwork and quizzes) – special announcements – Special projects and lab instructions.
5-1 Science Materials: In Science Class we do simple lab activities. I will assign the materials that will be needed and we will do the lab in the classroom together. Be sure to check frequently for special announcements, projects due dates and tests days. If you have any questions or comments you can me at
Science Grade Distribution: Test and Special Projects (announced) – 60% Classwork (worksheets and notebook) – 25% Quizzes – (unannounced) 10% Homework – (notebook and materials for special project) 5%
5 th grade science textbook:
1 st Day of class for 5-1 students: Students will need to bring: – The requested classroom materials (bounty, chubs, sanitizer, etc.) – Pencil case, notebooks and textbooks (to leave in classroom). – Lunch box (snack time). – Spanish class, bible class, workbooks and all other materials can be brought the second day. – Remember not to bring music and art material until you know which class he or she will be taking.
– Follow directions. – Speak only with permission. – Get out of the seat only with permission. – Students are to keep hands, feet and objects to themselves. – No vulgar or profane words are to be used. – Have materials required in class. – Respect others. No name calling. – Keep eyes and hands on your own work. – No toys, playing cards, or other objects on desk. – Be on time between classes. – Cell phones must be turned off from 8:00AM through dismissal and placed in box on teachers desk. See Discipline Plan 3rd to 6 th grades Classroom rules and expectations:
Classroom doors open at 7:45 AM. Students need to: – Get organized for the day (pack for morning classes). – Place their cellphones in the box on teacher's desk. – Start working on bellwork. Classroom doors are locked at 8:00 AM for morning devotions. – Students arriving after this time will need a late pass. Morning Procedures:
Classroom Procedures: When entering the classroom students most have their notebook, textbook, folder, agenda and pencil case. Instructions will be posted on the board. So class can start promptly.
Agenda Students are responsible for copying special announcements and assignments in their agenda for each class. Each teacher will have different announcements related to their class. Students will not be allowed to go back to other classrooms at the end of the day to copy this information. Students should copy the information the day it is announced and the day it is due, so they dont forget it!
Cell phones and electronics: Students can not use their cellphones or electronics during school hours. If you need to contact your child before dismissal, you can call the school and leave a message with the Elementary School Secretary. You can also send an to the homeroom teacher.
Dismissal Procedures: At the end of the day students will need to: – Check their agenda. – Pack for dismissal. – Leave classroom clean and organized. – Collect cell phones from teachers desk. – Dismissal List: Inform were they are going (pick up, cuido or tutoring)
Pick up Procedures: Pick up is at the main entrance of the school. Students need to stay with the teacher at all times! (Conduct points will be deducted). Inform me when they are leaving!!! Advance written authorization is required if leaving with someone else other than parent or registered family member.
Lets Have a Great Year!!!!! God Bless You God Bless You