Proposal for Elections ISM-NVA – Spring 2014
Elections events Term for Present Board ends June 30, 2014 Need to elect new Board by June 20, 2014 to allow for transition.
Relevant By-Laws Article XI - SECTION 3. Nominating Committee. A committee of at least three (3) voting members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting. Not more than two (2) member(s) of this committee shall be a member of the Board of Directors. This committee shall request member nominations for open positions, determine if the nominations and candidate qualifications conform with the requirements of the By-laws and the Association’s policy and operations manual, resolve any issues related to nominations, present the list of approved candidates to the membership sixty (60) days prior to the Annual meeting, and post the names of the candidates on the Association’s web site. The committee shall also be responsible for conducting the election procedures. Any two (2) or more voting members acting jointly may present to the Nominating Committee not later than forty five (45) days prior to the Annual Meeting, the names of any candidates whom they wish to nominate and the respective offices for which they are nominated. As long as the nominations conform with the qualification and guidelines of the By-Laws and the Associations policy and procedures (as determined by the Director of Protocol), the names of consenting nominees for the various offices shall be announced at the regular meeting preceding the Annual Meeting by the Chairman of the Nominating committee. He or she shall file a list of the nominees, certified by the Committee, with the Secretary immediately after such announcement. If membership is over fifty (50), and should the nominations result in more than three (3) candidates from one company, the Chairman of the Nominations committee shall request that the candidates select among themselves who shall run for the board from that company. If the candidates cannot agree, at least three weeks prior to the start of the voting for the board, the candidates in question will be posted in a preliminary election. Voting Members will be asked to select only three of the candidates to run for office. The candidates who are selected from that preliminary ballot will be posted on the full election ballot. (NOTE: We have over 50 members. ) Successful candidates shall take office with the new fiscal year. (NOTE: The fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year. )
Relevant By-Laws SECTION 5. Duties of Director of Protocol. The Director of Protocol assures that the By-Laws and Operational guidelines of the organization are up to date with current ISM guidelines and with the needs of the organization, as well as acts as Parliamentarian to assure that the By-Laws and standards of professional decorum are maintained. Additionally, the Director of Protocol will oversee elections as specified herein.
Proposal 3 representatives should be appointed by the Director of Protocol as a nominating committee No more than 2 representatives should be present board members, Clement Durquerroy and Tim Davis. Current volunteer includes Dale Bartholomew (who is not on the board) – Candidate qualification should conform with guidelines of the By-Laws and the Associations policy and procedures – Oversight by the director of protocol The following would apply to this election since membership is under 50: – No more than 3 members from any one company will serve on the board Additional recommendations: – Presentation of qualifications posted and/or sent to all registered members of ISM-NVA
Proposed Process Nominations committee appointed by Director of Protocol with no more than 2 board members. (Committee members should be only those active in present formation activities) Proposed date: April 17th Nomination committee sends notice to membership requesting nominations /self nomination from membership Proposed dates: Notice to membership: April 29th Close of nominations : May 7th Director of Protocol confirms nominees meet qualification guidelines as listed in the By-Laws and Policy, Process, and Operations Manual Proposed date: No later than May 13th If nominee accepts nomination, nomination committee gathers: 1.Picture 2.Brief bio 3.Candidate statement of what they would bring to the post Proposed date: No later than May 16 th Information posted on web-site and/or sent via to ISM-NVA membership with voting instructions Proposed date: Required 30 days before Annual Meeting May 19th reminder to members requesting vote. May 26 th New board announced by current President At Annual Meeting June th Transition Period: June If nominations not filled for every post, present Board solicits for more nominations and adds to list. Proposed date: May 9th Vote closes. Vote close date: June 2nd New Board Starts: July 1 Director of Protocol confirms election results. Proposed date: June 9th
April Good Friday Notice to Membership on Nominations. 30 May Cinco De Mayo 67 Close Nominations 89 No nomination, BOD selects candidate Mother’s Day 1213 Director Protocol confirms nominations 14 Drop dead date for outside nominations according to ByLaws 1516 Nominee provides picture and bio Post nominations to ISM-NVA website and voting starts Reminder sent to vote June 12 Reminder sent to vote 345 Vote close date Director of Protocol confirms results Father’s Day 1617 Annual Meeting? Start of new board
Suggested Communications Letter from the Nominations Committee to the Membership Letter to nominees prior to the election