Citizens Advice Direct Access to Advice How we do it….
Objectives removing barriers to advice - increase access to advice and information empowering people with the tools, knowledge and confidence to resolve their issues act as a gateway to complementary services where further help is requested or needed
Citizens Advice Direct Independent Consultants Report “85% calls to Bureaux unanswered” “69% would want a phone service” Operational for over 2 years – assisted over 40,000 clients Enhancing and complementing the local CABx service Providing frontline telephone and advice
Funding Initially –Big Lottery & CAS Development Committee: Establishing the organisation Currently –Scottish Government – initially 1 year –Glasgow City Council - GAIN –Highland Council – Homeless Advice Line –Comic Relief – Vulnerable Adults Consortiums –Independent Advice Support Services IASS –poppyscotland
Resolved enquiries telephone 86% Complex Enquiries Referrals The process of service delivery
Partnerships MacMillan Scottish Power Highland Council Comic Relief Thompson Solicitors CitA Glasgow City Council Poppyscotland IASS
GAIN Glasgow Advice Information Network The GAIN network is a group of 28 different advice and information agencies throughout Glasgow funded by Glasgow City Council The helpline gives advice and information on debt cases and refers and signposts urgent cases to the agency which best suits the clients needs
Client calls with debt enquiry Advisor will discuss the issue(s) with the client and the advisor will explain what the procedure is for dealing with these matters and re-assure the client that CAB will be able to assist them. If any URGENT issues i.e. repossession, eviction, wage arrestment or court action if so; ADVISE TO GO TO BUREAU ASAP. Info passed to Team Leader who will contact relevant bureau and discuss with the advice session supervisor whether an appointment is necessary or they should go along to their drop in sessions. Single debt enquiry Advisor will source the info from Advisernet and talk the client through the process. DIMS will be updated with all relevant information Client has multiple debts, advisor will check for anything urgent, if nothing urgent, advisor will provide information on nearest CAB. The advisor will inform client of financial counselling service and what info to take to CAB i.e. all statements, letters, ref no and contact details of creditors etc. Also advise client of the financial statement and that will need details of their income and expenditure Client has received default or summons notice and is unsure what to do. Advisor will look the information on Advisernet and provide this to the client but will also advise the client that the bureaux can offer financial counselling and negotiate with the creditors and write letters etc Mark up the DIMS system and update all info sources, send out any leaflets booklets etc. Team Leader will check DIMS and sign off
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What the Bureaux say about us takes the pressure off front line staff for simple enquiries and allows them to work on on-going case work accessibility for clients who can't come in to bureau taken pressure off the phones ringing an in the bureau when advisors don't have time to answer them
How do CAD and Advice Agencies interact? Developing referral and signposting systems Managing clients expectations Sending information to clients such as checklists and maps before they attend bureaux Working with agencies to allow appointments where appropriate for priority cases
Independent Evaluation Results 95% would recommend the service 90% of calls answered 1 st time 95% stated advisors listened effectively 84% stated advisors clarified the issue 78% problems resolved
In Summary Telephone can act as a first point of contact for advice and information on money issues Working in Partnership with other agencies to get urgent cases dealt with quicker Ensuring the clients are aware of the process
Access to Advice