Possibilities of E-learning between Spain and Latin America Aires Rover Federal University of Santa Catarina Brasil
The reasons ICT and Law is thus a vital discipline There is need for training and education and the sharing of expertise, experience, teaching and learning, and best practice Scarcity of experts in the field
How the consortium has been set up The Brazil and Spain governments have approved one project to promote one meeting in each country in 2007: June in Brasil, July in Zaragoza The Spanish Agency of Iberoamerica Cooperation (AECI) has approved one joint project in e-learning on e-Government between Brazil, Spain and Argentina
Possible partners Universidad Nacional de la República. Facultad de Derecho. Montevideo. UY. Carlos del Piazzo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Derecho. Sección de Enseñanza virtual. La Plata. AR. Alejandro Batista. Instituto Brasileiro de Política e direito da Informatica. Recife.BR. Demócrito Ramos. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Santa Catarina. BR. Aires Rover Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Courses currently offered ZARAGOZA Faculty of Law Graduate courses Philosophy of Law Electronic Government/Administration Postgraduate courses Doctor in Law: Human rights and European Law Studies programmes
Courses currently offered ZARAGOZA Engineering School Graduate courses Ethics and legislation for engineering (Industrial, Computer, Telecommunications and Chemistry) School of Documentation Postgraduate courses Master and doctor in Management of information and documentation services
Courses currently offered BRAZIL to graduate students in law to postgraduate students in law to postgraduate students in Knowledge Engineering and Management Post- Graduate Program
Platform of e-learning Shared between the countries using a common platform and framework Profesors as collaborating profesors Resources that produce the mixture of old and new methodologies and technologies The tools are open source based – Moodle, blogs, distributions lists, web pages The University of Zaragoza support the identification management module using digital certificates
The joint discipline Administración electrónica (University of Zaragoza) E-government (University of SC)
Thematics to future disciplines Information Society and Law e-Government e-Democracy Public administrations Digital signatures Data Protection and data Security Intellectual property of ICT products Artificial Intelligence and Law e-commerce “Computers and law“
The initial aims of the project To use the present technological resources in the universities To use the disciplines that are in the present situation of the graduate and postgraduate programs The diploma will be recognized by the University where the student is matriculated
The advanced aims of the project Development of: An international Bachelor Degree in ICT and Law An international Masters Degree in ICT and Law
The general aims of the project To develop and publish new studies and initiatives To promote investigation, research, innovation and dissemination of results. To promot new online courses and seminars
Working languages Portuguese and Spanish Eventually the English The three will be the working language for texts, contents, meetings and communications