Cover Slide Company Name Company Contact info Tagline This template provides a basic outline for an in-depth investor or customer pitch. Focus on visuals, graphs, and telling a story whenever possible as opposed to lots of words and descriptions. You should use this format when you have at least a 30 minute meeting and want to share deeper, more detailed information on your company. If you are preparing a short investor pitch, please refer to the 5-minute pitch template “Short Business Overview Pitch Template Form”.
Vision & Value Proposition Vision Statement Use a vision and/or mission statement to highlight what makes your company stand out Value Proposition Your success will make your customer’s life better because…
Define Problem Describe the nature of the problem you address. What is the problem you are trying to solve?
Target Customer Who are your existing customers, if any? Who are potential “new” customers? Who are you solving this problem for?
Define Market What is your market opportunity and how big is it? How big is the problem you are trying to solve and how many customers have that problem? Describe the market characteristics; does this market currently exist or does it need to be developed? The main question an investor will have in their mind is “is the big enough?” so convince them that it is
Solution Describe your product/ service and your value proposition to the customer What is your product/ service? How is it unique? How does it solve the problem you outlined previously? Describe how you make your customer’s life easier.
Management Team Describe your management team? List names and their experience List current gaps in your management team Add a statement on how you plan to fill the gaps List any advisors who provide key value to your organization If you have a Board of Directors, list your members. Use this slide to convince your audience that your team is qualified to solve this problem
Competitive Marketplace Who is your competition? What sets you apart from the competition? What is your key advantage in staying ahead of the competition? Who else is solving this problem?
Strategy How will you beat your competitors? What are the open white spaces in the industry? Consider elements of a SWOT analysis. Why do you think you can win?
Revenue Model How do you make money? What is your revenue model? When and how do you become profitable?
Summary Financials Provide Summary Financial Model for first 3 years of business Should include: Revenue COGs Earnings before Income Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) Net Income
Current “State of the Business” Where is the business currently? e.g. Idea stage, development stage, selling product or services List any key metrics to demonstrate key success at particular stage of development List any future key milestones List any current key customers or customer wins.
Your “Ask” What would be the best outcome of this meeting? What are you asking for? If this is an investor meeting, be clear about the amount of money you need, the use of funds, and what percent of equity the investor will receive. You should know what the associated valuation of your company is based on this ask (e.g. if you are asking for $250,000 for 25% of your company, your assumed valuation is $1M)