EXIOPOL Presentation March
2 Presentation of the IP Agenda Introducing EXIOPOL –IP project –Objectives –Implementation plan –Structure
3 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is an integrated project ? Aims at promoting and supporting the co- ordination, co-operation or networking of a range of research and innovation projects or operators for a specific objective – normally to achieve improved integration and co-ordination of European research for a fixed period of time. It does not provide support for research and development.
4 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Main objectives To synthesize and develop further estimates of the external costs of key environmental impacts for Europe To set up an environmentally extended (EE) Input- Output (I-O) framework in which as many of these estimates as possible are included, allowing the estimation of environmental impacts and external costs of different economic sector activities, final consumption activities and resource consumption for countries in the EU
5 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Main objectives To apply the results of the external cost estimates and EE I-O analysis for the analysis of policy questions of importance, as well as for the evaluation of the value and impact of past research on external costs on policy-making in the EU
6 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Project organization Project Co-ordinator (FEEM): overall scientific, administrative and financial co- ordination Cluster Leaders (FEEM, TNO): shared responsibility with the coordinator for the timely and effective implementation of the activities of this IP –Technical and scientific coordination of the Cluster –Join preparation of meetings and decisions of activities of the Scientific Steering Commitee.
7 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Project organization Workstream Leaders: shared responsibility with the coordinator for the timely and effective implementation of the activities of this IP –Technical and scientific coordination of the Stream for which each SL is in charge –Substantive contribution to the Integrated Scientific Coordination of the IP Workpackage Leaders: efficient implementation of the Workpackage and production of WP deliverables
8 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Project organization The Scientific Steering Committee is composed by one representative from each Workstream. Responsible of monitoring and quality-control, risk assessment and response strategy, dissemination activities The Advisory board will be set up composed by national representative and by representatives of external institutions that perform activities related to the IP or are likely to have a clear interest in its outcome (e.g. World Bank, OECD, EEA, etc.)
9 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL Scientific management: A multi-layered structure CICIICVI WS1WS2WSn WP1WP2WPp Cluster leaders Workstream leaders Workpackage leaders CIII Scientific co-ordination (FEEM, TNO) CV
10 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL CLUSTER VI: Coordination and management Pillar 1Pillar 2 CLUSTER II Externality estimates: extension and development CLUSTER III Development of a detailed EU-25 EE I-O table CLUSTER I Strategy and institutional embedment CLUSTER IV Application for policy analysis and knowledge spillovers CLUSTER V Dissemination and training
11 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Pillar 1 provides A major contribution to the quantitative analysis of environmental impacts using cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis The first EU country specific inventory of a broad range of environmental interventions (ESA95 framework)
12 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Pillar 1 provides A collection of the existing accepted external cost data for emissions and resource uses (mainly on energy and transport), complemented by a comprehensive overview of external costs related to other impacts (e.g. air, soil and water pollution, biodiversity, toxics, noise, odour and waste) External cost data gathered will allow for a direct appraisal of the impacts of sustainability options at micro / local level, and improve the development of national level green accounts
13 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Pillar 2 provides A detailed EU-25 EE I-O model, that will allow for the full cost accounting and full impact assessment of different activities. The model will be linked to the classification and structure of models with sectoral disaggregation (e.g. CEPAM/GEM-E3 and NEMESIS9) Policy-relevant insights on the impacts and true costs of activities in the economy via a great variety of cross- sections: by industry sector, by final consumption category, or by type of resource used, etc.
14 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Pillar 2 provides It also will allow an analysis of how far social and private costs diverge at the macro level now, and how far they may diverge in the future
15 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Work Plan WP 1 Semester2 Semester3 Semester I.1.a DD I.1.b D II.1.a D II.1.b D II.1.c D II.1.d D II.2.a DD II.2.b D II.2.c D II.3.a D II.3.b D II.4.a D II.4.b DD II.5.a D II.5.b D II.5.c D III.1. a DD III.1. b D III.2. a DDD III.2. b DD III.2.c D III.3. a DDD III.3. b DD III.4. a DDD III.4. b D III.4.c D IV.1.a D IV.1. b D IV.5.a D IV.5. b D V.1.aWS DDD W D VI.1.aKO D SSC D Kick-Off 2-3 April 07 Deliverable Project deliverable Website Workshop Scientific Steering Commitee
16 Presentation of the IP Introducing EXIOPOL What is EXIOPOL? Project meetings Kick-off Meeting –2-3 April 07 (month 2), FEEM, Milan Scientific Steering Commitee –April 08 (month 14), UBATH, Bath (UK) –At least 5 meetings Workshops –Methodological Development in Measuring External Costs, April 08 (month 14), UBATH, Bath (UK) –Other 4 workshops