INTRODUCTION About myself Area of Interest Future Plans
Introduction The second president of the United States, John Adams, predicted in 1780 that "English will be the most respectable language in the world and the most universally read and spoken in the next century, if not before the end of this one." It is destined "in the next and succeeding centuries to be more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age.“ (Dyer, 2012)
Introduction It was a bold prediction, for at that time there were only about 13 million English-speakers in the world, almost all of them living in Britain or on the eastern seaboard of North America. They were barely 1 percent of the world's population, and almost nobody except the Welsh and the Irish bothered to learn English as a second language. So how is Adams's prediction doing now? (Dyer, 2012)
Statement of Problem About 1.5 billion people learn English 375 mln – L1 Speakers (British Council, 2006) 375 mln – L2 Speakers (British Council, 2006) 750 mln - EFL Speakers (British Council, 2006) English is the official language of 57 countries (Wikipedia)
Statement of Problem Growing number of English teachers are non-native speakers of English (Center for Applied Statistics) Non-native speakers English outnumber native speakers 3 to 1 (David Crystal, 1997) There has never before been a language that’s been spoken by more people as a second than a first (Crystal,2003) In Asia alone, the number of English-users has topped 350 million – roughly the combined populations of the USA, Britain and Canada (Crystal, 2003) There are more Chinese children studying English – about 100 million – than there are Britons (Crystal, 2003)
Statement of Problem
Purpose of study To study existing English Computer Based Programs and develop new program for non-native teachers of English.
Importance of the study Non – native speakers of English will need instructional strategies that are unique from native speakers New technologies offer new opportunities for non-native speakers of English This research will investigate instructional strategies for non-native English speakers that will enhance their professional development and the proficiency of their students
Research Questions What type of English Proficiency Programs are developed by non-native English teachers? What was the outcome of the program? What type of Instructional strategies have been used by ESL teachers in classrooms?
Literature Review TOEFL Test Program iBT and CBT tests IELTS Test Program
Methodology Developing ECSIP Reading Listening Speaking Writing ECSIP Wiki
Participants Bukhara State University, Foreign Languages Department, Bukhara, Uzbekistan College of Social Sciences, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Research (CSS, KIMEP), Almaty, Kazakhstan
This is it for now… oh one more thing…..