Pubic Lice & Scabies By: Mr. Koch III
what Aka: Crabs Parasitic insect called biting lice Adult lice are visible to the eye Grips a pubic hair with claws and sticks its head into the skin, where it feeds on blood from tiny blood vessels
Incidence Especially prevalent among young (15-25-year-old) Frequently associated with other STI’s Transmitted during sexual contact
Transmission Can live away from body for 1 day if stomachs are full of blood May drop into underclothes, bed sheets, sleeping bags, and so forth Eggs can survive for several days
GROSS Possible to get by sleeping in someone's bed or wearing someone's clothes Possible to reinfect ones self by owns clothes Not limited to pubic areas - can be transmitted from fingers to armpits or scalp
Symptoms Itching Scratching brings no relief Some ignore the bites because the itching is not severe Self diagnosis is possible by locating a louse on pubic hair
Treatment Ointment Shampoo Wash all clothes and bedding Eggs can live for 7 days so it is recommended to treat for 7 days
Scabies Tortoise shaped parasitic mite with four stubby legs To tiny to be seen with the naked eye Initiated by the female mite - after mating she burrows below the skin to lay eggs
The mites Hatched egg becomes adult in 10 to 20 days Adult mite feeds off host Average person with scabies is infested with 10 to 15 live adult female mites
Incidence and Transmission Affects millions worldwide Highly contagious Transmitted by sexual and nonsexual contact Live on clothing and bedding for at least 48 hrs
Symptoms Small vesicles or pimple like bumps occur in the area where the female mite tunnels into the skin Itching intensely, especially at night Sites: webs and sides of fingers, wrists, abdomen, genitals, buttocks, and female breasts
Treatment Topical cream that is applied from neck to the toes Two applications that are washed off 8 to 14 hrs after Washing of bedding and clothing