Chapter Twenty Commonwealth and Empire, 1870–1900
Part One: Introduction
Chapter Focus Questions What characterized the growth of federal and state governments and the consolidation of the modern two- party system? How did mass protest movements develop? What was the economic and political crisis of the 1890s? How did the United States develop as a world power? What were the causes and outcomes of the Spanish- American War?
Part Two: American Communities
The Cooperative Commonwealth Looking Backward People enjoyed short workdays, long vacations, and retired at age 45. The Point Loma community.
Part Three: Toward a National Governing Class
The Growth of Government Government grows. Government changes. Taxes increased.
The Machinery of Politics Departmental bureaucracy. Legislatures’ power. Political adaptation Spoils system
The Spoils System and Civil Service Reform Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act Circuit Court of Appeals Act of 1891.
Part Four: Farmers and Workers Organize Their Communities
The Grange Farmers, workers movements. The Grange. “Thieves in the night.”
The Farmers’ Alliance National Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union Northern Plains farmer organizations. Railroad influence. A major power.
Workers Search for Power “Great Uprising” Stronger unions. Henry George. Labor parties. Map: Strikes by State 1880
Women Build Alliances Women, labor, agrarian protest. The Knights. Grange and Alliances. Frances E. Willard.
Populism and the People’s Party People’s Party. People’s Party platform Populists.
Part Five: The Crisis of the 1890s
The Depression of 1893 Major depression. Full recovery-- early 1900s. Jacob Coxey.
Strikes: Coeur d’Alene, Homestead, and Pullman Strikes. Idaho violence Homestead steel plant. Pullman, Illinois:
The Social Gospel “Social gospel”. “What would Jesus do?” Catholic Church. Immigrant Catholic s. YWCA.
The Free Silver Issue Grover Cleveland. Currency issues. Money debate.
Populism's Last Campaign Populists. Silver advocates. Strong gains Fusion ticket. William McKinley.
The Election of 1896 Map: Election of 1896 Bryan wins Populists disappeared. Democrats minority party. McKinley pro-business, expansionist. Prosperity=Republican control.
Part Six: The Age of Segregation
Nativism and Jim Crow Chart: African American Representation in Congress Racism and nativism. Nativists. White supremacy. Reformers accepted segregation.
FIGURE 20.1 African American Representation in Congress, 1867–1900 Black men served in the U.S. Congress from 1870 until All were Republicans.
Mob Violence and Lynching Racial violence.. Lynchings. Ida B. Wells.
Part Seven: “Imperialism of Righteousness”
The White Man’s Burden New markets. New frontiers. Chicago World’s Fair: “White Man’s Burden.” Josiah Strong.
Foreign Missions Missionary Missionaries.
An Overseas Empire Map: “An American Domain” Expansion. Seward. Economic control. Navy.
Hawaii Hawaii. Asian markets. Open Door.
Part Eight: The Spanish-American War
The United States and Cuba Cuba independence. Cuban revolutionaries. USS Maine.
A “Splendid Little War” in Cuba Map: The Spanish-American War “A splendid little war.” Platt Amendment. Annexation.
War in the Philippines Philipines. Rebellion. 1 in 5 die.
Critics of Empire Anti-Imperialist League Democracy, racism. Aggressive nationalism.