Tough Times In The Trench The Great War Trench Warfare The Great War -Trench Warfare Tough Times In The Trench
Trench warfare had its good sides and its bad sides Trench warfare had its good sides and its bad sides. One bad side was the population of trench rats, just two rats could produce up to 880 rats in one year, the death and decay attracted them so they came quite frequently. Another minus would be the self inflicted wounds or suicides. Some people would shoot themselves in an attempt to get out of the front line. Bad Trench Times
Punishments Officer (to a boy of 13 who has given his age as 16): "Do you know where boys go who tell lies?" Applicant: "To the Front, Sir."
Getting Gassed Getting Gasses thrown into the trench was horrible because in the first part of the war they didn’t even have gas masks. Mustard Gas was extremely powerful it can go through some gas masks and the German army need only launch miniscule amounts to cause severe suffering.
Body Lice Body lice was one of the worst types of suffering that a trench soldier could go through. They left red spots all over and caused severe itching. There were only a few ways to get rid of them, one of which was to get a candle close enough to burn the lice but often time the patient was also burned. Another treatment was to bathe in hot water stored in large vats.
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Internet Links This is the only website that I got information from.