S equoia Healthy Start A program of the East Bay Agency for Children Reka Lal Program Director Amara Lisy Program Coordinator
Sequoia Healthy Start Sequoia Healthy Start (SHS) SHS is one of the eleven EBAC programs and one of the six programs under School and Community Currently in our 8 th year of operating educational and family support services at Sequoia Elementary School in Oakland SHS is separate from the school but works closely with the full support of Sequoia teachers and administrative staff
56 % of Sequoia students receive free or reduced lunch (based on income) 22 % of the students struggle with limited English skills 50 % of Sequoia students scored at or above grade level in Language Arts (this was an increase from last year - 42%) of Sequoia students scored at or above grade level in Mathematics (this was an increase from last year - 54%) The Faces of Sequoia School 58 %
SHS Mission and Goals 1. To increase Sequoia's capacity to meet students' social and emotional needs through our mental health services; 2. To increase family well-being through our family workshops and events; 3. To provide a high quality after-school program with both an academic and enrichment component. SHS MISSION: To increase student success in school by providing direct family and student support services and quality after-school program.
The Faces of SHS Reka Lal, SHS Program Director Amara Lisy, SHS Program Coordinator Shauna Olson-Hong and Revi Airborne, PALS Social Workers After-School Staff: Academic Liaison, Academic Instructors, Enrichment Instructors, Community Partners
SHS Program Structure SHS Program Counseling Services yearly caseload clients individual, group, family counseling services, teacher consultation, case management. After-School Program two tracks of programming 95 enrolled students grades 1-5 Family Workshops and Events Enrichment-Only Program Open to students in grades 3-5 Receive enrichment services only Program ends at 4:30 Academic & Enrichment Support Program Open to students in grades 1–5 Receive both enrichment and academic components Program ends at 6:00
Family Workshops and Events Parent involvement activities are aimed to promote parent and family engagement in Sequoia School Family events include potlucks and student showcases Family Workshops are supported through Junior League funds and volunteers Parent feedback on topics Health and Nutrition (2) Homework help Summer programs Finance-College savings plans Time management Students and parents are in separate workshop with same topic Workshops are hosted after work from 6:30-8:00
SHS Program Structure SHS Program Counseling Services yearly caseload clients individual, group, family counseling services, teacher consultation, case management. After-School Program two tracks of programming 95 enrolled students grades 1-5 Family Workshops and Events Enrichment Only Program Open to students in grades 3-5 Receive enrichment component only Program ends at 4:30 Academic & Enrichment Support Program Open to students in grades 1–5 Receive both enrichment and academic components Program ends at 6:00
After-School Enrichment Activities WORD Percussion Spanish Arts & Crafts African Dance Recreation Eco-Art Science Gardening Yoga Textiles Collage Service Learning Team-Building Sewing
ASP Academic Component Students are divided into grade-level classes and with an Academic Instructor all year Students receive 1 hour of writing intervention and half hour of homework help everyday Academic focus is writing—goal is to stay aligned with the school-day focus and needs Sonny Kim, 5 th grade school-day teacher, is our Academic Liaison helps to ensure alignment with school-day and California standards Academic Instructors teach 4-6 writing assignments; project-based meet with the school-day teachers on a monthly basis fill out progress notices for each of their students and send them to school-day teachers and parents
After-School Program Changes Increased student enrollment from 80 students to 95 students Added an Enrichment-Only, part-time program in response to Sequoia family needs Added 4 more enrichment classes to accommodate new students including Moved Enrichment program to the start of program and academics to the end of program Revamped Family Workshops
Funders & Community Partners Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) After-School Education and Safety (ASES) Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY) Junior League of San Francisco (JSLF) Early Prevention Screening Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT) Oakland Youth Chorus (OYC) Head Royce High School Sequoia Dad’s Club Sequoia Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Salem Lutheran Home