Arthropods Chapter 28 Biology Auburn High School p. 760 – 783
28.1: Characteristics of Arthropods p. 761 – 766
General Characteristics Phylum Arthropoda Meaning – arthron = joint; pod = foot Jointed appendages, exoskeleton, varied life cycles, bilateral symmetry, coelomate invertebrate Grow by molting (the shedding of old exoskeleton) Habitat Land, water or air Locomotion Flying, crawling, or swimming
General Characteristics Reproduction Sexually Internal in land species, external in aquatic species Some are hermaphrodites (barnacles) Some are parthenogenesis (bees, wasp, & ants) form of asexual reproduction in which a new individual develops from an unfertilized egg Significance Pollinators (bees) Scavengers (ants, beetles, etc.) Parasites (mosquitoes) Control insect population (spiders)
28.2: Diversity of Arthropods p. 767 – 775
Class Arachnida Include: spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks 4 pairs of legs No antenna Body regions: chephlothorax and abdomen
Class Crustaceans Aquatic or damp terrestrial locations Exchange gases through feathery gills 2 pairs of antennae Have mandibles for crushing food Compound eye 5 pairs of walking legs 2 or 3 body sections
Class Crustaceans Include: crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crawfish, barnacles, water fleas, pill bugs, and sow bugs
Class Chilopoda Class Diplopoda Flatten bodies Carnivorous 15 – 181 body segments Include: centipedes Cylindrical bodies Herbivores; Stink glands 100+ body segments 2 pair of legs per segment Include: millipedes
Class Merostomata (Horseshoe Crab) Living fossils Semicircular exoskeleton Long pointed tail 4 pairs of walking legs 5 or 6 pairs of appendages that move water over gills (swimmerets) Eat sea weed, worms, and mollusks
Class Insecta 3 body divisions (head, thorax & abdomen) 6 legs attached to thorax Most adults have 1 or 2 pairs of wings Exoskeleton (molt to grow) Undergo metamorphosis (egg – larvae – pupa – adult or egg – nymph – adult) Habitat Found in most places
Metamorphosis of Insects
Characteristics of Insects Feeding All types Locomotion Crawling, flying, jumping or swimming Reproduction Eggs fertilized internally (sexually) Significance Damage crops, spread diseases, eat other insects, pollinate
Characteristics of Insects Include: dragonflies, fruit flies, butterflies, grasshoppers, ants, bees, wasps, katydids, preying mantis, roaches, beetles, bowel weevil, lice, and etc.
Pictures of Insects