Section 11-2 American Power Tips the Balance
America Mobilizes Selective Service Act- (1917) required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.
America Turns the Tide Convoy System- (American Vice Admiral William S. Sims) heavy guard of destroyers escorted merchant ships back and forth across the Atlantic in groups.
Fighting “Over There” American Expeditionary Force- (AEF) led by General John J. Pershing. Nicknamed the doughboys. First Americans to land and fight overseas. New Weapons: –Machine guns –Tanks –Airplanes (Eddie Rickenbacher- America’s first flying ace.) –Antiaircraft guns –Poison gas
The War Introduces New Hazards Filth, lice, rats, polluted water (dysentery) Poison gas Decaying bodies Lack of sleep Battle fatigue Shell shock Trench foot Trench mouth
American Troops Go on the Offensive Alvin York- American War hero. On October 8, 1918, armed only with a rifle and a revolver, York killed 25 Germans and- with six other doughboys- captured 132 prisoners. Conscientious Objector- a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds. Armistice- A truce (cease fire).