State of our State Through Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings Sneha Shah-Coltrane Director, Gifted Education and Advanced Programs NC Department of Public Instruction NCAGT 2014
Focus : Transform our AIG Programs through our 6 th generation Local AIG Plans Met the Challenge
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. -Sir Isaac Newton
Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings: Develop regional support centers 8 AIG Regional Roundtables –Strong infrastructure to build capacity, intentionally –Providing assistance as the first line of support Led by volunteer AIG Regional Leaders –Represent you and your voice and needs –Inform all decision-making regarding AIG at the state level Supported by Community –IHEs –Duke TIP, NCAGT, etc.
Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings: Prepare personnel to address needs of AIG learners Institutes of Higher Education –Quality AIG licensure programs –Unique and innovative ways –Effective partnerships between IHEs and LEAs. Local professional development –Clear and meaningful –Adapted for personnel needs –AIG Booster Shot series.
Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings: Collect and analyze data to guide programming and policies Powerschool/Homebase = powerful tool to better maintain and understand our data AIG is now a sub-group in our READY Accountability Model. Additional insight into our students and programming.
AIG Child Count April 2013, Authoritative Source: NCWISE TOTAL NC AIG Students # of students identified AIG by race/ethnicity NativeAsianBlack Hispanic Pac. Island. WhiteMulti 182, % Total NC Students % of ethnicity identified as AIG 12.4% (same) 7.1%24% (up) 5.1%5.4%10.1%17.6%12.2% (up)
AIG Students: EOG/EOC Reading Results, 2013
AIG Students: EOG/EOC Math Results, 2013
AIG Students: WorkKeys 2013 Graduates
Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings: Partner with policy-makers NC General Assembly –Continue to fund AIG at over $71 million –Continue to support specialized schools like NCSSM and Governor’s School –Passed new legislation to support participation in advanced courses, AP and IB at over $12 million. State Board of Education –Adopted Credit by Demonstrated Mastery –Integrating advanced programs as part of SBE Strategic Plan.
Dr. Gallagher’s Teachings: Build high-quality services for our AIG students Infrastructure with Article 9B and NC AIG Program Standards –90% of Local AIG Plan are aligned with our NC AIG Program Standards –Overall solid foundation Pockets of Excellence –Curriculum--Programming –Collaboration--Identification
Future Faces of Gifted Education in our state: EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.
AIG: All Day, Everyday!