Parasite Vocabulary Chapter 10 Microbiology
Antibiosis A condition in which two organisms cannot coexist
Arachnids Members of the class arthropods that include spiders and mites. The characteristically have four pairs of walking legs and no wings
Ciliates Microorganism (protozoa) possessing cilia
Flagella Flexible whip-like structure found on microorganisms, used as an organ of locomotion Giardiasis
Helminthes Parasitic worm; a nematode (roundworm) or trematode (fluke)
Hookworm Parasitic roundworm that enters the body through the skin and migrates to the intestine where it attached itself to the wall of the intestine with its hooklets and sucks blood for its food
Hosts Animal that harbors and provides sustenance for another organism
Infestation Living on or within the skin of the host by animal parasites, usually insects
Mastigophora A subphylum of protozoa that have one or more flagella and a centrally located nucleus Page 171
Microfilaria Prelarval stage of the Filariodea family that are found in the blood of humans and in the tissues of the vector
Nematodes Roundworm
Neutralism Relationship between two organisms in which neither one affects the other
Parasites Organisms that live on or within another living organisms at whose expense it obtains some advantage
Pediculus Genus of lice (head lice)
Protozoa Subkingdom including unicellular eukaryotic organisms
Symbiosis Mutually beneficial relationship between two or more organisms of different species
Tapeworm Parasitic cestode worm that has a flattened ribbon-like body
Trematodes A class of flatworms called flukes that are broad and leaf shaped