CAP6135: Malware and Software Vulnerability Analysis Cliff Zou Spring 2015
2 Course Information Teacher: Cliff Zou Office: HEC Office hour: TuTh 9:00am-10:30am Course lecture time: TuTh 10:30am – 11:45am (Eng2-103) Course Main Webpage: Use the UCF WebCourse for homework submissions, discussion, and grading feedback Online lecture video stream: UCF Mediasite (Tegrity) Recorded via my own Tablet PC in face-to-face sessions on every Monday and Wednesday morning Video available in the late afternoon after each lecture You can access video through the link in Webcourse “Modules” tab
Prerequisites C programming language Software security lecturing will mainly use C code as examples Programming experience Any programming language is fine Knowledge on computer architecture Know stack, heap, memory For our buffer overflow programming project Knowledge on OS, algorithm, networking Basic usage of Unix machine We will need to use Unix machine in our department:, for some programming projects 3
4 Objectives Learn software vulnerability Underlying reason for most computer security problems Buffer overflow: stack, heap, integer Buffer overflow defense: stackguard, address randomization … How to build secure software Software assessment, testing E.g., Fuzz testing
5 Objectives Learn computer malware: Malware: malicious software Viruses, worms, botnets virus/worm, spam, phishing, pharming Spyware, adware Trojan, rootkits,…. A good resource for reading: Learn their characteristics Learn how to detect, monitoring Learn how to defend
6 Objective Learn state-of-art research on malware and software security Paper reading/presentation for selected milestone papers on related research topics Face-to-face session students: Required to participate in presentation of assigned papers, in-class discussion Online students: Read assigned paper, write review Comment on in-class student’s presentation Your evaluation will feedback to presenter!
7 Course Materials No required textbook. Reference books: Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way by John Viega, Gary McGraw Software Security: Building Security In (Addison-Wesley Software Security Series) (Paperback) Gary McGraw 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off) by Michael Howard, David LeBlanc, John Viega Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition by Jon Erickson Reference courses: CS161: Computer Security, By Dawn Song from UC, Berkley. CS161: Computer Security Software Security, by Erik Poll from Radboud University Nijmegen. Software Security Introduction to Software Security, by Vinod Ganapathy from Rutgers Introduction to Software Security Wikipiedia: Great resource and tutorial for initial learning Wikipiedia Other references as we go on:
8 Grading Guideline Coursework face-to-face online streaming In-class presentation 18% N/A In-class participation 6% N/A Paper review reports N/A 24% Homework 10% 10% Program projects 36% 36% Final term project 30% 30% We will probably have three programming projects. So you need to have experience in programming!
Course Assignment – face-to-face students Paper presentation In the later half to 1/3 of the class (when we finish lecturing on knowledge-based content), each class will have three face-to-face students present three selected milestone papers Students are required to participate and provide discussion Discussion will count in your grade! Occupy about 1/3 to half of the course time The other time is my lecture time Only for face-to-face session students 9
Course Assignment – Online students Write reports on about 10%-15% of presented papers Provide comments on student presentation in your reports Enforce online students to watch video Collected/Anonymized comment feedback be accessible to everyone A great help to improve student presentation Even if you are not the presenter 10
11 Programming projects Probably will have 3 programming projects Example: Basic buffer overflow Use Unix machine, learn stack, debugger (gdb) Software fuzz testing Find bugs in a provided binary program Network monitoring and analysis Using Wireshark to analyze captured network traffic
Term Project A research like project Two students as a group Or yourself if you cannot find a partner Will make you do more work Group format help you to learn how to collaborate Find topics by yourself Must related to malware and software security Provide topic proposal one and half month later Result: Submit report before semester ends (late April) Report will look just like a research paper we read Face-to-face students: present your project Online students: submit your presentation slides with speaking notes on every page 12
13 Questions?