Second Grade News March2012 March Curriculum Math Count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less. Correctly use the cent symbol, dollar symbol, and decimal point. SOL Estimate and measure length to the nearest centimeter and inch. SOL 2.11 Social Studies: Students will describe natural resources, human resources, and capital resources. SOL 2.7. Students will distinguish between the use of barter and the use of money in the exchange for goods and services. SOL 2.8. Students will explain that scarcity requires people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services. SOL 2.9. Students will identify George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as Americans who contributions improved lives. SOL 2.11 LANGUAGE ARTS Use language structure to develop and expand vocabulary SOL 2.7. Read with fluency and expression SOL 2.8. Identify the problem, solution and main idea. Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction SOL 2.8. SCIENCE Students will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning by planning and conducting investigations. SOL 2.1. Students will understand basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. SOL 2.3 Important Upcoming Dates March 2 nd : Read Across America Day March 8 th Stories Under The Stars 6:30-7:30pm March 17 th : St. Patrick’s Day March 20 st : First Day of Spring!!!!!! March 24 th : PTA Carnival March 30 th End of the Grading Period April 2 nd - April 6 th Spring Break Teacher’s Corner Thank you to those family members and friends who were able to attend the Second Grade Musical “Let It Shine.” Second graders worked hard learning their parts and practicing the music. It was a real treat to see for sure! Please continue to practice addition and subtraction facts at home to increase fluency with math facts. Remember there are some great math fact websites on the second grade webpage. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Don’t Forget TIME TO SPRING AHEAD On March 11 Daylight Saving Time begins. On this day, we turn our clocks one hour forward. So, spring ahead and enjoy more longer light-filled days! Iditarod 2012 Second Grade classes are participating in the 2012 Iditarod Dog Sled Race! We are participating through the Iditarod Trail Mail project. We have submitted a class letter that will travel the 975 mile race on a dog sled team! The race begins March 3 rd (4pm EST) and we will closely follow the race from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. The race takes approximately 9 + days to complete. Check out the 2 nd Grade Webpage for more resources. Personal School Supplies We are reaching the time of year when some personal student supplies have run out. Please discuss with your child what supplies they need more of at school. Crayons were replenished in January and should last us to the end of the year. Some markers and scissors are also in need of replacement. If you purchase these supplies, please remember to write your child’s name on them.