January Happenings!!
First Make sure your child has their completed poster or essay in school by Thursday, January 5, Next Volunteer to be a judge- contact Ms Perez in the main office (judging will occur on Fri., Jan. 6) Last Join the District 3 Magnet Celebration on Thursday, January 12, 2012 where winners will be honored!!
District 3 Magnet Schools’ Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration
Free! Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012 Prizes! 5:00-6:00 pm Food! Drinks! STEM Lab (rm. 114)
Week of January 9-13, 2012 Mon., Jan. 9- SLT 3:45 pm Tues., Jan. 10- Parent Art 8:45 am Wed., Jan. 11- School 9:00 am Thurs., Principal’s 8:45 am
Important Dates Week of January 16-20, 2012 Mon. Jan. 16- No School (MLK, Jr. Day) Thurs. Jan. 19- PTA 9:15am Family Engineering 5:00 pm Fri., Jan. 20- Family Movie 3:00
Important Dates Week of January 23-28, 2012 Tues. Jan. 24- Parent Art 8:45 am Saturday, Jan. 28- Family Fun 12:00pm Trip to Parsons School of Design for a Family Build Day See Ms. Perez for Registration (main office)