GA Safety Data Systems/Tools GBI/GCIC Driver’s license/motor vehicle Crash reporting Citation Health/Injury EMS/GEMSIS GOHS
Why are we here? GEORGIA TRAFFIC DEATHS: YEARLY TOTAL & COMPARISON GDOT Office of Traffic Safety & Design Monday, August 3, 2009 Type of Fatality TOTAL Year-To-Date2009 YTD Change # #% Interstates % Other State Routes % Local Routes % * Pedestrians % * Car-Trains158210% * Motorcyclists % * Bicyclists % Total1,6481, % * Included in Total
Hwy. Fatalities vs. Murders by County (3 year averages; ) Hwy. Fatalities > 3X Murders Hwy. Fatalities > 2X Murders (but < 3X murders) Hwy. Fatalities > Murders (but < 2X murders) Murders > Hwy. Fatalities
What is Georgia SHSP? Strategic Highway Safety Plan Comprehensive/Data alignment of plans Enforcement, Engineering, Education, EMS 10 Emphasis Areas/Task Teams aggressive driverimpaired driver restraint/beltsage relate vehicle typenon-motorized serious/locationtraffic data traffic incidenttrauma/EMS
GBI/GCIC Driver’s license NEW IN 2009 Format issuance – local to centralized Motor vehicle Compatible vendor software Audio response
Permanent Driver’s License – formats 21 and over Under 21
Crash reporting GDOT Electronic submission TraCS CARE ARC GIS Red light running photo enforcement permits FARS NHTSA 30/ncsa/STSI/13_GA/2008/Georgia_Map_1_GIS_D ATA_2008.HTM 30/ncsa/STSI/13_GA/2008/Georgia_Map_1_GIS_D ATA_2008.HTM 30/ncsa/STSI/13_GA/2008/Georgia_Map_1_GIS_D ATA_2008.HTM
State GIS Fatal Traffic Crash Maps This Utility Provides Location Based Maps of Fatal Crashes for the Years Click on States (on the US Map) to View these GIS Crash Maps 30/ncsa/STSI/13_GA/2008/Georgia_Map_1_GIS_DATA_2008.HTM
Citation TIPS Traffic Information Processing System Administrative Office of the Courts BENEFITS: Manage all traffic citations information Real-time data entry with courtroom internet connection Data AOC servers/double redundancy. Allows courts compliance with legislation requiring that all driving convictions be reported to DDS within 30 days Decrease overhead costs by eliminating much paper/mailing expenses NO COST to your court Completely web-based software updates are done at the AOC DDS pays forty cents for each citation that is processed electronically
Health/Injury OASIS (Online Analytical Statistical Information System) Online query/map GIS/chart data base EMS/hospital/emergency dept/injury Linked to crash CODES Project (Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System) Links hospital to crash
EMS/GEMSIS Integrated EMS Information System for local, regional and state planning and evaluation of system development GA EMS Information System (NEMSIS)
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Traffic Enforcement Network Online reporting system FAST (Fatality Analysis & Surveillance Tool) Statewide/county statistics Enforcement mobilizations based on data
GA DDACTS Implementation Ricky Rich, Director Special Operations Governor’s Office of Highway Safety NHTSA/BJA/NIJ support Q&A Panel responses Workshop evaluations/follow up contact