Chapter 1, Section 2 Living Things
What is an Organism? Organism Any living thing
Characteristics of Living Things Organized Made of cells A cell is the smallest unit of an organism that carries out all life functions. Each cell has all the genetic material needed to control life processes.
Characteristics of Living Things Respond and Adapt Stimulus Anything that causes a change in an organism Response Reaction to a stimulus Homeostasis The ability of an organism to maintain internal conditions suitable for life, despite changes in the environment.
Characteristics of Living Things Use Energy Plants use energy from the sun Animals use energy from plants and other animals Other organisms obtain energy by breaking chemical bonds
Characteristics of Living Things Grow and Develop Growth Increase in the amount of living material Development Formation of new structures Lifespan Amount of time an organism is expected to live
Characteristics of Living Things Reproduce
What Living Things Need A place to live Affected by environment
What Living Things Need Raw materials Water, protein, fat, sugar, etc.